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You grinned as the brightly eyed guard pinned you against the wall. His hands tied your arms behind your back, your cheek flush against the wall as your mischievous smile widened at the perfect timing for teasing your favorite guard.

"Harder, daddy~" you squealed and felt him pull you away from the wall, harshly dragging you towards your cell with dark red cheeks.

"Could you be any louder, (Y/N)?" He whispered unhappily with narrowed eyes focused solely on you.

A loud chuckle left your throat as you spun out of his hold, pushing him into the floor, other guards coming to his rescue almost immediately. You leaned down, your chest pushed firmly against his back, your lips only centimeters away from his ear, "I could be louder. I could also be bolder too~" you laughed as multiple hands pulled you away from the man you had on the floor. You could see the red color envelop his face and ears as one of his pals helped him off the floor, glaring at me and asking if he was alright, pulling him away from the area.

The guards roughly threw you into your cell, you back hitting the back wall harshly as you grinned wildly at them. One of then stuck their tongue out, the other following up with a glare, slapping the boy on the head. You could tell he was new, but didn't care.

He wouldn't see the end of your mind games until you either broke out, were freed legally, or he was transferred. Every guard stationed in your wing knew about it, and yet, only one has stayed the entire time, the one who gets the most amount of attention. The one some guards envy until they see just how cruel you were with your games, thinking it would be the same for Kyojuro, but worse.

But that just, wasn't it. You knew he enjoyed it, and it was quite fun teasing the guard, even if you yourself got in trouble for it later. It was your way of showing that you did care about the guard. In fact, you had saved him once before as well because of your infatuation, although it cost you quite dearly...


You laid in your bed, the cell door wide open as people whispered in the one next to you. It was the one time of the day you had free reign of the main area. It wasn't for very long, but it was when most of the inmates conspired with one another. You just so happened to hear a certain guards name, jumping from the bed immediately to listen in on the details.

"Tomorrow, during breakfast. (Y/N) skips to help out with training, so it'll be perfect. [Random Name] is gonna supply us with the weapon tonight, he said he's starting to dislike the guard due to his erratic behavior, despite his position." You grit your teeth, the name of the guard supplying the weapons echoing in your mind.

He wasn't getting tired of the guard, he was just trying to get to you. And what better way than to use your inmates. He would have clean hands, so long as they didn't snitch.

You growled under your breath, laying down to sleep the night away like usual.

The next morning, you were woke up by the keys opening your cell door, Kyojuro's face smiling down at you as you grinned back up at him.

You walked past the cell door, letting him pay you down for any weapons, "Hey there, tough guy~" you winked and smacked his ass. "I'll see you later, I have some business to take care of." You chuckled as he tilted his head in confusion.

"What business could need tending to in prison?" He asked back, quite loudly, every one jumping slightly at your deathly cold gaze.

"Nothing that should concern you, go watch over the inmates back at breakfast. I'm sure they'd love your company."

You continued walking, everyone watching you in fear for whoever had angered you. They sure were going to get a nasty beating.

Now outside, you blocked the way back in for the guard that would supply the men the weapon to murder your beloved guard. "So." You said simply, the man placing his hand on his baton and taser.

Rengoku Kyojuro Oneshots (Request Open)Where stories live. Discover now