Chapter 7 - Massacre

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Silence filled the room after I spoke. Zachia dropped her pen and stared at me with eyes filled with curiosity.

David stepped forward and scoffed. "Hold it right there. You're not making any sense here."

"Christopher Morgan," I said, interrupting him. "That's his name, am I right?"

He just stood there with his arms crossed, speechless.


"W-who are you? Some kind of relative or something?" he asked.

"His daughter." I answered, which made both of them widen their eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" Zachia asked.

"I'm afraid not."

David sat on his chair and stared at me. "No one here in this camp knows what his first name is. Aside from me and those who live on this floor... and yet you knew."

"Well, would you look at that?" A woman's voice said behind me. "Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to visit my husband's office, but I didn't expect to hear some kind of revelation." She looked at me for a few seconds and then walked straight to David.

"Cyra, this is Anna, my wife." he introduced.

As soon as our eyes met, I immediately felt a leader vibe from her. Her short black hair with streaks of white, as well as the wrinkles on her face tell me that she's around forty years old or something.

"So, Chris' your father, huh? I never knew he had a gorgeous daughter." she teased. I didn't say anything and forced myself to smile.

"Your father was a jerk, by the way," she added.

"Hey Anna, watch it." David scolded.

"What? I'm just telling the truth."

"It's okay, David. I agree with her."

"See? Even his daughter knows," she laughed.

"Okay, great, we just found his daughter. I can't believe this." Zachia mumbled as she wrote my name on the paper.

"Cyra, right? Where's your old man?" Anna asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Where are everyone's parents?"

David let out a deep sigh and leaned on his chair. "He never mentioned having a daughter. I guess he's just too private when it comes to his personal life."

"How did the two of you get separated?" Anna queried.

"We weren't together when things went wrong. I was living with my mom while he was out there working in the Navy in California. He's an admiral, to be exact." I explained.

"Admiral, huh, no wonder why he's buffed," Anna says while smirking at David.

David shook his head and turned his back on us.

"Oh, come on, honey. I'm just messing with you." She then winked at us before hugging David from behind.

Quite an old couple we have here.

"I don't know if I should ask this, but have you two already met?" Zachia wondered.

"Yes, he found me," I answered, which grabbed everyone's attention.

"Wait, so that means your dad traveled all the way from California to Washington and managed to survive?"

I nodded. "He's so happy to have finally found me after all this time. Sadly, mom already died, so him seeing her in person is impossible."

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