No More

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The next day she awoke from another night of comatose sleep. Galilea had initially struggled with establishing a daily routine when she joined the workforce. Her mind was so numb she would often prefer to lay in bed until the late afternoon, or sometimes through the next night, not really thinking or dreaming about anything. Just waiting for time to pass by. Not like she had anything exiting to look forward to. After a particularly bad week of doing nothing but lay in bed, her AL ran a few diagnostics.

"Madam, you seem to have a low percentage of serotonin production. Perhaps you should go outside for a walk." He had suggested as he turned the shower and radio on. "It will make you feel better to get the sun on your skin."

Her head had been in a fog after that week of hibernation, and her legs perked up at the mention of a walk. Galilea's body felt like a neglected dog, so excited at the thought of going outside to play, while her mind tried to present all the reasons she should stay in bed. Suffice to say, during her walk she realized she needed at least one reason to get out of her flat. In response, she got her current programming job in hopes that it would make life somewhat interesting.

Even after working at the place for six years, she couldn't tell if it was better than staying in bed. Needless to say, as she looked at the light rays coming through the window, she sighed and got up. Galilea felt her body take control, used to the routine, and she went through the motions as her mind remained foggy. Unsure why it was necessary to do anything.

AL had her breakfast of 3D printed eggs and bacon all ready and warmed. Next to it sat a glass of water, a variety of powdered juice pills adjacent to it, along with her new medication for her Seasonal Affective Disorder. She ate her eggs and opted for the cranberry juice and dropped the pill into the glass of water. As the pill dissolved the water turned a deep shade of purplish red, a slight froth forming at the top of the glass.

Once the drink was settled, she popped the pill into her mouth and took a sip. The cool, tart, liquid washed the pill down into her system. She looked down at her plate of mostly eaten food and then back to AL. "I'm done eating AL, thanks."

"You are welcome Madam." He replied dutifully as he took away her plate and placed in the sterilization unit.

Galilea couldn't help but wonder what she was supposed to do if the pills didn't work. She hoped, deep down, that the doctor hadn't been dumb enough to give her a placebo. Completely disregarding her feelings, or lack thereof. What was she supposed to do if the medication was legitimate, and she felt no response or change?

She thought to herself for a moment, unsure if she should ask her AL about it. However, she knew this would at least be evidence for the doctors as each AL keeps a detailed record of their owner's vitals (measuring them each night as their owner slept), habits, and emotional statuses. Not like that helped me originally. She thought to herself as she replayed the doctor visit in her head. Oh well.

"Hey AL." She called as she put on her jacket.

"Yes Madam?" He pulled the plate back out of the sterilization unit and was in the process of putting it back into the cabinet when he turned to her.

"What happens if the medicine doesn't make me feel better?" She asked, not out of true curiosity, but more for documentation of her lack of improvement.

"Well, the doctor did say that this type of pill would take at least sixty to ninety days to properly work. He also stated the pills may not properly work with your body make-up and he would gladly see you again to prescribe another." He looked at her with empty concern in his eyes. "Would you like me to schedule another appointment? It has be 82 days since your last appointment."

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