Neon Alley

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Galilea grabbed her things, stopped by her supervisor's desk, and then out of work after leaving the restroom. She told her boss she would be taking a half-day, which for her was unheard. Her manager had asked her if she was alright and he showed genuine concern. For the first time in a long time, she smiled, and truly meant it, though he didn't notice.

She had assured him everything was fine and she was just feeling a little under the weather. The redness of her eyes helped her case. She smiled again as she walked out. Her chest swelled with an intense warm feeling. She assumed it to be excitement as she left the building, knowing this was going to be the last time she left.

Galilea had made the decision to take some time off of work and try her hand at one of those Virtual Reality games. I'll call in tomorrow and say something has come up and that I need to quit. As she made her way home, she began to plan how she was going to achieve her new desire. She plotted out her plan step by step.

First, she would contact an old friend from her brief stint in the foster system. Axel. He would know exactly where to find all things decent folk kept swept under the rug. He would be able to tell her where to go and may even give her the name of who to talk to in order to get a deal. He was the closest thing she had to a friend until she became a legal adult. At that point, she was forced to find her own place. She ended up moving a few cities away. He helped her move and always asked her when she was moving closer to him. He always treated her like the little sister he never had. She appreciated that.

Second, she would have to tell her AL of her brief stint away from home so he could keep the place clean and orderly while she was out. Third, Galilea had to pack a bag with all the essentials. Finally, she actually had to go. She knew where ever the games were, it would be dangerous, but she didn't fear those dangers anymore. She just wanted a new start.

Before heading home, she stepped into a small alleyway and took out her earpiece. After placing it in her ear she tapped the comms device located just behind her right ear lobe. Most people had a comms device installed behind their ear lobes when they reached an age where they would be venturing out of the home more. This made it easier for their parents to track their children and call them when they needed to come home. Since the comms device ran using the hosts electrical pulses in the nervous system, parents never had to worry about a dead battery preventing them from finding their children.

Once the device was on, she thought about Axel and the piece beeped. Once, twice, three times and then he picked up.

"Hey! Long time, no talk! How's it going, my sistah from another mistah?" Axel practically sang. Galilea rolled her eyes at the lame greeting.

"How old are you?" She chided, trying to hide her smile. She didn't want to encourage him. "I'm good. How have you been? How's Vinny?" She realized right after she heard his voice just how much she missed him.

"I'm doing great! Vinny is as energetic as ever. We're actually on a bit of a walk right now. Say hi Vin!" Axel said. Galilea heard a small bark in the background. "He says hi."

"Hi Vinny." She replied, her smile growing. She missed Vinny too. The last time she saw him he was just a puppy playing around in Axels slippers. The man had huge feet and his Miniature Pinscher was able to use his slippers as a bed. She lowered her voice to a whisper wanting to get to the point of her call. "Listen, Axel, I'm... looking for a favor."

"Sure! What can I help you with?" He said, she could still hear his smiling. "Are you finally moving closer? I sold my Triple C, but I could help you find one." His voice was hopeful. The Triple C he referred to was a Cargo-Craft-Crater. Something used to back boxes and make everything ready to be packed into a Cargo-Craft.

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