• ten •

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soonyoung woke up in an unfamiliar place. his throat ached and begged for water while his whole body felt weak and drained. before he could sit up to review his surroundings he felt himself pulled back onto the bed, as if he was restrained. how had he gotten into this situation? soonyoung looked around the room and noticed he hadn't been taken so some shabby basement or warehouse, he was in a refined room.

as he looked around he knew he was alone. the thought was soothing but also alarming, there was no sign of dokyeom anywhere. soonyoung was in shock, he hadn't ever thought these sorts of things actually happened. he heard about yakuza murders and kidnapping but they all seemed like fiction. yet there soonyoung laid restrained on a bed not sure of what was to come of him.

the door clicked open and there was the faint clicking of shoes against the hardwood floor as the person who entered came closer to soonyoung's bed. soonyoung laid there frozen in fear as he didn't look to who it was, a part of him was scared to know. the person sat down and cleared their throat.

"not even going to look at me? how rude." the voice chimed and soonyoung immediately recognized it as the scary guy.

"look at me you pathetic fucking lowlife." the man growled as he reached out and grabbed soonyoung's face forcing him to make eye contact.

"do you understand how fucking lucky you are? i, choi seungcheol, fucking spared your life. you're making it away from the scariest name in the yakuza and you're not even making eye contact with me? i should kill you right here." seungcheol said as he stared directly into soonyoung's eyes.

soonyoung didn't even hesitate and spit directly into seungcheol's face. seungcheol wiped it away with one hand as he threw soonyoung back onto the bed. seungcheol straddled the boy's restrained body and began punching. he yelled but soonyoung couldn't hear it, all he felt was the pain from every punch.

"jihoon, stay here." wonwoo said and jihoon glared at him, no way in hell was he staying in the car.

"no fucking way i'm-"

"he wants you. if we go in with you who knows what he'll pull to get you away from us." mingyu said and jihoon let out a sigh, which was fake, and wonwoo and mingyu mentally smiled as they knew they had defeated jihoon.

"you're right.. but i don't care." jihoon said as he pushed past the two and got out of the car and began walking.

wonwoo and mingyu stood there speechless but honestly they didn't expect anything less from jihoon. it wasn't like him to give up so easily. the two snapped back to reality and chased after him.

"if we're doing this.. then take this," mingyu said and he held out a pistol. jihoon took it slid it into the back of his pants, it wasn't like he hadn't used one before.

when he started working with the yakuza he carried one with him everywhere, upon seungcheol's request, and he knew how to use it. his skills weren't exactly at a sharpshooter level but they were praiseworthy. he hadn't used a gun in at least a year now, no one fucked with him anymore because he was just a tattoo artist. he wasn't someone truly valuable to the yakuza, until he became seungcheol's obsession of course.

they approached seungcheol's mansion and were surprised to see the gates open, as if seungcheol had been expecting them. the three felt off by the whole situation but continued nontheless, they had jun and all of his men waiting right outside of the perimeter if anything were to go wrong.

the three walked in, weapons in hand, as they looked around. jihoon knew the place, not very well, and vaguely knew his way around. he had tattooed seungcheol here several times before, it had been his first job when he worked with the yakuza. jihoon hated thinking of the memories.

"ah.. your lovely jihoon and his friends have arrived.." seungcheol said as he paused soonyoung's beating for a moment and stared to his phone.

"i'll be on my way.. see you soon." seungcheol said as he got off of soonyoung and walked for the door.

soonyoung laid there and felt tears run down his face as they mixed with blood. he wasn't scared for himself and the pain was bearable but instead he found himself worried for jihoon.

"oh my! my pretty jihoon is back.. how i've missed you dear," seungcheol said as he stood at the top of a staircase. jihoon felt his hands begin to tremble at the sound of seungcheol's voice as the memories flooded back in. he felt himself crumbling just as seungcheol wanted.

"give us soonyoung." wonwoo demanded and seungcheol let out a laugh.

"you think you're in the spot to make negotiations? fucking hilarious!" seungcheol said as he laughed and wonwoo bit his lip in anger.

"you want him? go fetch him.. third room on the right." seungcheol said as he walked down the steps and past the group. he walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"what are you waiting for?" seungcheol asked and the three stood there shocked, what the hell was seungcheol's plan?

they walked up the stairs, keeping their guard up, and opened the third door on the right. they spotted the boy restrained laying on the bed with blood and tears dripping down his face. jihoon felt his heart shatter and wonwoo ran over to untie and cut the restraints loose. mingyu looked at soonyoung's wounds and jihoon stood there like a fool.

"soonyoung, right? we're not going to hurt you." wonwoo said and he looked to the boy with sad eyes. in soonyoung's vision everything was a mess and he was completely numb.

"jihoon?" he muttered out and wonwoo looked over to jihoon. jihoon stood there trembling as he watched.

jihoon walked over slowly looked to soonyoung and felt his heart shatter even more as he looked at soonyoung's battered face. soonyoung looked to him and grinned with what energy he could. mingyu quickly called jun and told him to get seungkwan ready to treat wounds immediately.

"how sweet is this? i fear i might get a cavity!" seungcheol said from the door and all of the boys turned to him.

"had your reunion? good." seungcheol said and the boys all stood there terrified.

"give me jihoon and i'll let all of you go unharmed."

"fuck no-"

"okay. just let them go. let all of them go."

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