Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - The Exorcist 

Okay for the endings, I've decided I'm going to do a good and bad Tsukasa ending, a good and bad Hanako one, an ending for both and an ending for neither.

Does that sound good? :>



I took the sheet off and gasped.

"Ta da!".


{ Y/N's POV }

"Y/N L/N!".

"Huh? Yeah, what?" I blink back to reality. My mind had gone wandering again.

"You keep zoning out... what's wrong?" Yashiro asks me, as we continue walking down the hall toward the rooftop.

"Nothing. I'm alright Yashiro" I smile at her.

Truth be told, I wasn't alright. I didn't know how to feel. My mind just keeps wandering back to the memory of Tsukasa's surprise...

I shiver.

Yashiro smiles at me. "Oh, I know what it is!". I look at her questioningly.

"You've fallen in love, haven't you?" She takes my hand in hers, beaming.

"H-Huh?! N-No! Why would you think that? I have not fallen in love Yashiro," I blush, remembering yesterdays moment in the girl's bathroom.

Yashiro leaves it at that, as we come out onto the rooftop. Hanako is there already, as usual, looking up to the sky at the edge of the balcony.

"Hanako-kun!" Yashiro says, running up to him and hugging him. "I'm glad you're alright now".

Hanako smiles at her. "Thanks Yashiro".

I didn't know why, but my stomach tightened at the sight of them both together.

I had a strange feeling inside me.

"Okay, let's eat lunch now!" Yashiro said, smiling at me.


I was eating my sandwich and talking with Hanako, when Yashiro tapped me.

"Look, Y/N. Isn't this romantic?~" She sighed dreamily as I took a look at the magazine she was holding up for me.

There was a picture of a prince coming down from the sky, to save his one true love from someone evil.

"Um, sure?" I didn't really get it, but at least Yashiro was happy.

"You don't need a prince from the sky because you have me, y'know" Hanako smirked at Yashiro.

Gah, the feeling was back again!

Yashiro blushed slightly, and that made me angrier than I already was.

"I've finally found you, Hanako, number 7 of the seven school mysteries!".

None of us seemed to recognise the voice, so we all turned to look. A boy with blonde hair had leapt onto the balcony, just in front of where we were sitting.

"A prince from the sky?" Yashiro yells hopefully.

"He can see you?" I whispered to Hanako.

He nodded. "He must be a Minamoto... they're a strong family of exorcists".

"That's right! I'm an exorcist and I'm here to rid of you!" the Minamoto boy declared, bringing forth the umbrella he was carrying.

Me and Yashiro glanced at each other. What was happening here? Hanako stood up, smirking. "If you really think you can beat me, then come on and do it".

The Minamoto boy used his umbrella to hit Hanako on the shoulder with all his might, but Hanako managed to stop it from hitting him by grabbing it.

"You'll have to do better than tha-".

Hanako was stopped, as some kind of electric source blast into him through the umbrella. "Gyaaah!" Hanako fell to the floor, writhing in pain.

"Hanako!" Me and Yashiro both yelled in sync.

The boy smirked, "This is a very strong exorcist staff, passed down in our family for a very long time," He took the fake umbrella part off of it, exposing what it truly was. "Hah, you were a fool to touch it directly!".

Me and Yashiro stood up and backed away; he was going to kill him!

"Now, to finish you off!" He held up his exorcist staff, ready. "No! Don't hurt Hanako-kun!", Yashiro had jumped in front of the boy.

I immediately ran to Hanako's side. "A-Are you alright?" I ask him, cupping my hand on his cheek. "Ngh, I-I'm okay..."

"Don't just jump in front of me like that please!" The boy yelled at Yashiro.

"Hmph! Leave Hanako-kun alone, bully! He hasn't done anything wrong,"

The boy looked from Yashiro to me, shock in his gaze. "He carries around a knife y'know! He's only able to if he has used it while he was alive, meaning he killed someone!".

I stand up. "We know that... but Hanako is a good ghost. Without him, the school wouldn't be as safe as it is".

He considered this, before shaking his head. "He's the same as any apparition; evil!".

He came forth at Hanako once again, but this time Hanako had revived. He slips his knife out, dodging the boy easily.

"Take this~". Hanako playfully waves his knife at the boy's face, smiling. "Kyahh! Watch it!" The boy yells.

Hanako trips the boy and he falls to the ground, with Hanako now sitting on him. "Listen, boy. I'm Hanako, No.7 of the seven school mysteries, yes? And without me the school would fall into chaos. I keep everyone and everything in check, so i'd appreciate it if you didn't exorcise me, okayyy?". Hanako finishes with a smile.

"But... you're-".

"If I was as evil as you claim me to be, would I have human friends? And would they be protecting me?". The boy says nothing.

"See?" Hanako flicks the boys forehead. "Guess I win!".


Lunch was almost over, and the boy seemed to understand that not all apparitions are bad. "Oh, you haven't told us your name?" I ask him, realising we haven't introduced ourselves. 

"Right! I'm Kou Minamoto, pleased to meet you..." He had a faint blush on his cheeks.

"I'm Y/N L/N! And this is Yashiro Nene, and you know that's Hanako". Though just then, the bell rings and echos throughout the whole school.

I glance at Kou and Yashiro. "Let's meet here for lunch again tomorrow!" I yell as I begin to dash to my class.


Finally Kou's here XD what did you think of this chapter? Let me know please! ^^ Oh and don't worry, you'll find out what Tsukasa's surprise was soon enough!

It's my first time going back to school tomorrow for my new year, after lock down. I feel nervous because I don't wanna be alone in my classes T^T wish me luckkkk

1051 Words

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