𝟏𝟏 'Goodbye Alessio'

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One night at a party I caught Alessio cheating on me with Gina. Gina as in his ex girlfriend. She was sober, and he was drunk, yet she still decided to throw herself onto him. I broke up with him, not that he remembers, but I did. He's called me a thousand times and I declined each time. It got to much to handle so I finally blocked him. That night I left him alone Jack took me home. The live saw the whole thing and now Alessio is on thin ice. Has he seen the videos people screen recorded? Maybe that will make him realize why I'm not picking up. So I'm just hear alone, in my bedroom. Both parents are at work and my siblings are all out with friends. I've completely isolated myself ever since last night, and it will probably be like this for a very long time. As I just lay here rolled up in a blanket with food and drinks to be seen everywhere in my room. I feel like shit.

*door bell rings*

I do not feel like getting up so I go on my phone to check the front camera of the house. Well look who showed up. Mr. Zotto. There is no way I'm talking to him right now so I speak through the cameras.

"Get the fuck off my porch asshole!" I practically yell into the phone.

"Y/N just let me in please! I don't even remember what happened yesterday!" Alessio yelled back.

"Check your instagram." I said in a low voice finally signing off the camera. I felt like crying. Hopefully he went home because I'm done with him. So I walked over to my window to see if his car left only to be jump scared with his annoying ass on my roof.

"Alessio! What the fuck get down and go home!" I scream through the glass.

"We need to talk." he said trying to open my window. It was locked and I just stood there and watched him struggle to open it. Once he realized there was no way in he looked at me for me to open it. I just flipped him off and close the curtains.

"Y/N please. I'm sorry. Just please, talk to me." Alessio said still begging for me to open my window. I wanna tell him off, but I just don't feel like being in his presence. So I open the window.

"Fine, but I'm not letting you in." I said as he sat down on my roof.

"Ok. So what exactly happened last night?" Alessio said looking embarassed.

"I caught you with you with fucking Gina!"

"Y/N I was drunk! I didn't know what was happening. She threw herself onto me."

"Oh yeah? Well I saw your dumbass being the one to have her pinned against the wall!"

"I wasn't thinking!"

"Exactly! You weren't thinking before you took more fucking drinks then you should have!"

"I- I'm sorry ok?"

"Yeah well sorry's not gonna fix this because I'm done with you. All of us are done with you. Me and your fucking fans. They saw the whole thing, and so did Jack."

"Jack? Oh so your leaving me for Jack?"

"Maybe I am. Jack would never do the shit you did! I can't believe after five fucking years I've wasted it all ends up here. It'll end up her and it will end here. We're done ok? We haven't been dating for five years, but we sure as hell have been friends for five years. I thought you were different back then, but now your just like every other guy. An asshole. Goodbye Alessio."

I was about to ball my eyes out. Saying goodbye to him like this was hard. I've known him for so long and now I feel like I never did. This is not the Alessio I grew up with. Yeah maybe he was drunk, but it's his fault for being so. This hurts like shit, but I know I'll never see him the same. So I ended it. I shut my window and ran into my bed. Sobbing in pain. After my last words, Alessio didn't even bother to fight back, so he left me. Alone.

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