Thats not right?

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When we entered my room I noticed that some of my things were misplaced and scattered all over the floor. "I don't get it?" "My room was clean when we left". I said in a nervous voice. "Somethings not right" Haden said. "Liv let's go to my house until we find out what's going on".
"Ok" I said ready to go.
When we arrived at Hadens house his parents were not home but the guards and maids didn't know where they went they said they left this morning and didn't come back. Haden looked like he was scared. He went to his room and he asked me if anyone has ever told me anything that would seem to be threatening while I've been here. I told him there was one time I overheard MR. Victor on the phone and he said that if anything happens to his family it was not going to be good and then Zac caught me and told me not to ease drop on his dad. Haden looked like he knew what was going on but he wouldn't tell me.
Later that night when Haden and I were talking about where his our parents could be Haden revived a phone call and it was an anonymous number. He answered but walked out the room. A few minutes passed by when he came back in he said that the deoblos were kidnapped and his parents were trying to save them but got caught. I asked what can we do to get them back. He looked and me a sighed. "You" he said. "What are you talking about". "They said they would let everyone go if I gave them you in return". He looked like he was going to cry. "What why do they want me". "I don't know " he said choking up.
I knew he wasn't going to let my go to whoever was doing this but I know I was the only reason that both family's were not home so I told him I was going to do what I had to do get his family back home.
It was dark and I could here my parents talking to each other they were in a cell while i was in a chair I saw a man who was tall walk up to me and ask me where Liv was I shook my head and told his she left and went home. He must have not liked that answer because he punched me in the face. I heard my mother yell at the man in words I have never heard come out her mouth in my life.
When they put me in a Cell next to my parents they left the room I didn't know why they were looking for Liv or what they wanted but it was nothing good I didn't want anything to happen to her I-I loved her. I know she was dating My best friend but I still loved her it's something about her personality that makes me happy around her. I can't let them find out where she was. Wherever that was.
"No you are not going!" I said to Liv trying to changer her mind. "I have to go it's rather they kill both of our families or I just do what they say whatever that's going to be". She had made up her mind to go the the address that was texted to me. She wanted to help but she had no idea what she was dealing with. Hell neither did I. She was going to turn herself in to save my family and hers . Man is she crazy or hot.
" I'm not going to change my mind" she said as we got in the car. "Liv I know I can't stop you but promise me you won't do anything stupid to get yourself killed". "Ok" she said not knowing that she could very well get killed or raped by whoever was doing this.
When we arrived at a old abandoned wherehouse I saw my family and the deoblos. I saw they beat Zac up and he looked hurt really bad. Liv stepped out the car she looked at me and gave me a kiss on the lips. Oh they were so soft and warm. Snap out of it Haden you can't let your girlfriend just walk away and get kidnapped. When I walked up to what  looked lol the boss he had a mask and was tall and looked buff. When Liv walked over to him the snapped his fingers and my parents were free but they had liv in handcuffs. I pulled out a gun and demanded whey tell me what was going on. He chuckled and pulled his gun out and my mom was telling me to put it away but I was not going to let some creep take or kill my girl. When I looked around for her I heard a scream come from the inside of the where house. The man told me she was going to pay for breaking his sons heart. What the hell was he talking about. What were they going to do to her. I had to get her out of there. "Take me instead" I heard Zac yell from behind me. The buff man laughed and said no you don't want that she's got coming to her. I made fists and clenched my jaw. "Let her go I'll pay you how ever much you want". I heard my dad say from the side of me.
"No she is not going anywhere she can die in that wherehouse for all I care". I was so mad I pulled out my gun to shot but missed the man. I was hit in the back of the head and all I saw was my parents getting in a car and left then the darkness engulfed me.
when they put me in had cuffs they drug me in to  the where house and one man tried to kill me instantly but I screamed and kicked him in the painful spot and I was thrown in to a cell. A few minutes later I herd a gun shot and I was scared then I thought of Haden what if they killed him. I thought then I saw that man were a mask come up to me. "You will pay for what you did to my son" he said in a mad tone. "What did I do"? I asked. "You broke my sons heart"
"How I've only dated one person and that was had-" I stoped when I saw them pulling unconscious Haden on the floor. I gasped and yelled at the man " I don't know who you are but you will regret every thing and you can do anything to me but if you hurt Haden again you will regret this".
He chuckled and said. "Oh I'm not going to hurt him but he will watch he me hurt you". All of a sudden I felt a pain in my shoulder as he stabbed a needle in my shoulder.
The next thing I knew was that I fell asleep.

After Haden fired that shot it all happened so fast I remember my parents pulling me in the car and having to got get Hadens mom from off the ground. On our way home I asked why we didn't fight back. Because we have no weapons and we need to get back home. My parents said we were going to bring them home safe they didn't let me go with them. They left me home and I was worried for Haden and Liv. What if they hurt them I couldn't live knowing that happens to them. I was in my bathroom cleaning my face normally if I got hurt Liv would help. But she's not here I sighed knowing that I can't lover her anymore. She's dating Haden and I don't want anything to happen I have to get her out of my system but I can it's to hard and I can't let her go.

When i woke up my head was pounding and I saw Liv crying in the cell across from mine. "Liv what's wrong?" I asked her quietly. "Did they hurt you? Are you ok". She just looked at me and her face was full of tears and blood she looked like she wanted to leave this place but anyone would. She ignored me and I asked her if they told her to ignore me and she nodded her head and then I saw the masked man open livs cell and cuff her as he looked at me " look who woke up from his slumber". He said. "Shut up" I yelled at him as he told Liv to stop looking at me she looked in desperate need of help but I couldn't I was tied up to the bed making it impossible to move. As I saw another person walk in I noticed he looked like I have seen him before. He took off his mask and I saw my old school friend ted.  He left about 1 weeks after school started. He looked like he was hurt emotionally. As I saw the masked man hold liv up he said you hurt my son now you will pay.
How did she hurt him I wondered. Ted grabs Liv and looked her up and down. "Ted do it" the man yelled. I gasped at what he did next.

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