Mr San Angelo

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When I woke up I was in a cell tied up and when I looked over I saw that Liv was out but she was in a chair.
"Look who woke up" I heard a male voice say.
"W-where am I?" I asked as the man walked to Liv
"That's non of you business what is you business is where his Haden and Zac deoblo?"
"I-I do t know"I said watching as Liv woke up.
"Wrong answer" the man said as he pulled out his gun a pointed it at Liv.
He took it off safety and right before he pulled the trigger I herd.
"Boss" another man said as he put down his gun and out it back into his pocket.
"What" he said in a disturbing manner.
"I got the deoblos boy" he said as another man brought Zac in.
"Zac!" I yelled as they threw him in another cell.
"Shut it girl or this bullet will go in her head!" The man yelled pointing the gun to Liv as she was now wide awake.
I closed my eyes as Zac looked beat up and he was bleeding I saw a tier fall down his face as he looked at me and shook his head. I saw all the men walk out and leave us there.
When they all left I saw Liv crying over never seen her cry like that.
"Are y'all ok?" Zac asked as Liv stoped crying.
"Yes where's Haden?"Liv asked as she looked to Zac.
"He managed to escape but I don't know where his is now".
He said looking down.
"Oh" she said as we heard a man walk in.
"What are you doing let me go" liv yelled as they untied her and took hot away.
"Leaver her alone" Zac yelled and I tried to keep him quiet.
In my mind I thought I was going to die and that this was it. But then I heard a window open I looked and saw Haden was there getting Zac Un tied.
"Where's liv" Haden asked as Zac came to help me get out the ropes.
"I don't know they took her and I don't know where she's at." I said as Zac and I escaped out the window.
"I'll go find her y'all go and run and don't look back find a phone and Zac call my parents." Haden said as he walked back in the building.


"What are you doing let me go" I yelled to a man that was bringing me to another room.
"Leave her alone!" zac yelled as I closed my eyes and knew that this was about to be hell.

When I was thrown into a man I opens my eyes and saw a rather familiar face.
"T-ted" I said as I was thinking he was dead.
"That's me and I finally got you now." He said snapping his fingers and then all the men left the room.
"I thought you were dead" I said as another boy walked in. "Max here helped me find you" he said as I gasped I see my class mate max turner.
"W-w-what?!" I felt hurt like never before I trusted him and there he was trying to kidnap me.
"That's must sting huh Liv" ted said as I lowered me head not wanting to looked at anything anymore.
"Look at me when I'm talking" ted said pulling my face up and then slammed his fist on my face.
It hurt  so bad but I couldn't let him see how much pain I was in.
I just sat their and then a third boy walked in his figure looked familiar but his face was almost fully covered.
When ted put his hand on the third boy whoever that was punched him knocking him out and then kicked max and locked him up I'm a random cell that was in this building.
When he untied me he said it's was going to be ok but I didn't know that so I took action and fought him like Haden taught me until the boy grabbed my leg and pinned me to the ground he took off his face mask I was shocked to see him I thought he ran off.
"Hade-" he put  his lips on my mouth quieting me. Then he pulled away.
"Shhh we have to get out I have to look like one of their men so we don't not get shot now I'm going to put you in these hand cuffs and act like I'm treating you bad ok." He whispered into my ere pulling me up off the ground.
"Ok" I handed him my hands and we walked out I knew if he got caught then I would be killed by a bullet first.
When we reached the room with many cells I saw a open window and there was no Bobby or Zac that's good news. When I ran out the window I noticed Bobby and Zac were not far ahead I head some guards behind us but it was dark outside to be seen when I was free of the hand cuffs Haden hugged me.
"Are you ok Liv are you hurt?" He asked as we ran to Bobby and Zac. Haden had drove this car here and hid it so we would have something to leave in.
When we all were a safe distance away from the place that looked like an abandoned prison. Haden called his parents and Zac called his to.
"Are you ok Bobby" I said hugging my best friend
"Ya I'm good but are you ok how were you so chill to that man putting a gun to your head?" She asked as I froze up not wanting to think about that.
"wait what happened Liv?" Haden asked as he looked at me the in the rearview mirror.
It's was the threat but the gun was fake it was a decoy trust me I knew so that's why I was chill because those guns only make noise to scare people.
When we arrived at our hotel haden told Bobby not to go to her house for at least a day until his dad got guards over here to fight them and finsh them off
"was ted tied up Haden?"
I asked as we stoped the car in the hotel's parking lot.
"Wait ted was there how'd he get from Italy to America".
Zac asked as he opens the door for Bobby.
"Ya ted was the reason for this whole thing and yes I did." Haden said as we walked into the hotel room. "Bobby you can sleep with me and Haden and Zac a can sleep in that bed". I said as I was getting cloths for her to wear for the night.
Haden got a phone call and it was his dad he walked into the kitchen part of the room and they talked.
When he finished he told me that his men were landing in a hour and that Bobby was safe to go home tomorrow and we had to go to home as well.
When we all washed up we ordered room service for dinner and then I laid down and went to sleep.

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