The day i will always remember

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Zacs POV

  When I woke up I noticed Haden was sleeping in the floor I chuckled. When I walked over to my phone I saw his and I know  his password so I figured I would go on it. When I saw he texted Liv the other night I laughed but when it said he got her number from me I was puzzled because I hadn't go her number yet so I wondered who gave it to her when I saw he texted her my love in Italian I laughed so loudly I woke him up.

Hadens POV

  When I woke up I saw Zac in my phone and why the hell was I on the floor. When he told me I liked liv I gave him a death stair. He just laughed even more.
    I walked out of the room and saw Liv down the hall and ran to her. She looked like she was nervous about something. I asked her what was wrong and she just ignored me as we enters the kitchen I grabbed her shoulder and asked her what was wrong but before I finished my sentence I kissed her her lips were so soft I couldn't control myself I just did it. When she pulled away I looked up and saw Zac standing behind her. He laughed and she looked embarrassed but I defended her when Zac laughed at her. I told him to go and stop making fun of her when Zac left. She finally spoke to me and she looked scared when she asked me why I kissed her. I just felt my face turn red. She giggled and she asked me if I wanted to go swimming after breakfast and I said sure and she smiled. My heart melts every time I look into her beautiful blue eyes.

I woke up and was really hungry so I decided to go swimming after breakfast so I left my room and went down the hall when I heard Haden coming behind me I was nervous to talk to him so I ignored hims when he asked me what was wrong. When I entered the kitchen he grabbed my shoulder and asked me what was wrong but right after he said that he kissed me. His  lips were so hot and soft but I pulled away and I felt embarrassed when I saw Zac standing behind me. But when Zac laughed at us Haden took up for me. I felt like he really cared about me. After he told off Zac. Zac walked away in to the living room. When Haden turned to me I got the courage to ask him why he did it. His face turned red. I laughed at him and asked if after breakfast he wanted to go swimming.
We ate breakfast prepared by the chefs and as we walked the rooms he asked me if I had any siblings. I told him I had a twin brother and that reminded me I had to call my family. I ran back to my room and called them as I got out my swimsuit I saw Haden ready and I was still on the phone. But he looked like he wasn't in a rush so he came in and sat on my bench at the end of my bed as I stayed on the phone with my parents. When I got off of the phone I asked him if he was ready and he said yes but I still had to change when I did I came out of my bathroom and we walked downstairs and through the back door we went in the lake in stead of the pool. I had so much fun with him we got out of the lake and it was almost dinner time we swam through lunch but I didn't mind. When Haden went home I talked to Zac and he asked me if we were dating and I stoped because I didn't know. So I just told him I guess. When I was going to bed I got a call from Haden and I told him was going to sleep and before he hung up I asked him when school started he said some time like next week I was ok with it but I was still nervous of meeting new people. Before he hung up he told me good night il mio amore and I still had no idea what that meant but whatever. I fell asleep and slept so good that night

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