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Xavier had thought 2045 was going to be the best year of his life. He had thought that to himself at the end of 2044. But it was June 16th, 2045 and everything just seemed to be getting progressively worse lately. He had seen so much chaos and anger among the people of what was formerly Miami that it didn't seem to be getting better anytime soon. There had been murders, riots, aggressive protests, and unrest lately. And all of it was to protest one person. The man who called himself L. L, as he called himself had been in control of everything for a few months or so now. Perhaps, the people didn't like L. But, Xavier tried not to get involved with public affairs most of the time because to him it just seemed futile because nobody was heard by what they were doing. Nobody was getting a message across in a way it would be noticed with all of this violence. Xavier just thought people were wasting their time. Of course he didn't like L either because he was super strict and sometimes he was rather cruel. So he just kept his head down and hoped everything would get better.

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