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Kyoya's POV


- ... You... you really are something.

- It didn't sound nice.

- I wasn't being nice!

- But you're being cute.

- What are you talking about?!, he screamed while backing off.

I smirked and crossed my arms.

- Your cheeks are red.

- Of course they are! How did you expect me to react?! It's embarrassing!

- Really~?, I teased him.

- We're not in a drama, geez! Stop with the tease!

- Pfft, right, right~ If you want me to stop then boost me that self-confidence of yourself.

He chugged.

- I really don't know what to say.

- Okay, but I know where to go, so keep up the pace!

I started running after grabbing his wrist.

- What... wait! Why are you running?!

- We still have twenty minutes so please turn into a speed demon and dash.

- I'm not even riding a car!

- Oh shut up and don't be slow!




We were in the train!

On the road, Nile told me he lived one hour far from here. However, I only needed thirty minutes but... whatever, I could just take another train...

I heard someone panting, I turned around and then, suddenly, Nile grabbed me by my jacket, exhausted.

- I... huff... hate... hate you... so much...

I laughed.

- Man I didn't sleep well last night and then you make me run one fucking kilometer?! Fuck you.

- Pfft! Look, there's still one hour before we arrive, you can rest, here!, I said while pointing at the benches.

- Ugh fine... Better than nothing.

We sat next to each other on one of the benches and then... I suggested a strange idea.

- Hum... My shoulder is free.

- Hah?, he exclamed himself, Huh... wouldn't it be weird?

- It would.

- ...

- But you still can rest on it... if you want.

He sighed, crossed his arms and his legs and put his head on my shoulder.

Suddenly, my heartbeat started getting faster and faster. Wait... What was going on with me?!

- Hey, why are you that tense? Am I heavy?, he asked, surprised.

- No no! I... I just... ugh... y'know... forget it.

- ... I don't know what's weirder, this position or... you.

- Just sleep, will ya.

- Hmf...

I can almost feel my face heat up, please just close your eyes.

- Kyoya Tategami, right?

- Huh? You... remembered?

- Of course I did.

- Oh...

- The real question is : how do you know mine?

- I asked some people.

- ... But why?

- I wanted to know what was the name of the pretty boy I was sitting next to., I teased him again.

- ... O-Oh.

He tried to hid his red cheeks by sticking his face to my shoulder.

- Are you flustered?

- Yes.


He sighed again.

- Anyway... We have so many things to do for tomorrow... life is such a bitch, isn't she?, he complained.

- Need help with it?

- Well... hum... I mean..., he stuttered

- Is ''Yes'' is the word you're searching for?

- ... Yes.

- Ryuga is such a bitch. How can he harrass such a cutie?, I said while slightly pinching his cheek who then turned red from embarrassment.

- I'll really start to think you're flirting with me if you don't stop..., he muttered.

I chuckled. I really like that side of him...!


- So that's where you live!

- Yup.

Nile lived in a small with a very small garden. It was a pretty cute place.

The two-toned-haired boy opened the door and invited me to enter.

- You live in a cool place! You have such a good sense of interior design.

- H-Hah... thanks.

Seriously, his house was really cool! I only saw the living room but still! It had one red sofa, in front of a TV, plenty of plants (joke intended) and many Egyptian sculptures. Those things were super cool, I couldn't stop looking at them! I should buy some...!

- You like the egyptian mythology?

- I am Egyptian actually...

- Oooh!, I said, interested, Well I love these sculptures! You have good tastes, pretty boy!

- Don't call me that..., he ordered with a low voice, flustered again.

- Okay okay~

- Hum... since you're going to stay for a long time, you can take off your shoes, you know? I'll prepare something. Do you like pancakes?

- Who doesn't?!, I responded happily.

- Pfft!, he chuckled, Okay then...

That was the cutest thing...

- Can I help you?

- Hm...? Sure.

- And...

- What?

- Can you smile for me?

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄  - ᵏʸᵒⁿⁱˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now