Chapter 5

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Previously On Ready Or Not:

Curators POV

"Curator.. I think I just messed up." Parizval grumbled as he slouched back down.

"Indeed you did." I stated and walked off to leave him be.

Before I left I stated, "You are in love with one, and forced upon the other. Such a pickle for you."

Parzivals POV

The next few days (g.t) hasn't been active, or online to even check her messages. I started to get worried for her.

It was Thursday now and still no sign of her. Aceh and I were in his warehouse bunker thing as I tried on different outfits for the date with Artim3s.

"I can't believe you told her about Keira." Aceh stated.

"What? I told you." I stated, "Hey what about this?"

I put a weird outfit on and showed aceh.

"No. Don't you think Artim3s could be using you." Aceh stated and stood up

"Well shes giving me clues, maybe I should be using her.. should I go more, thriller?" I asked and did weird dance moves

"No. Thriller doesn't suit you Parzival. And neither does punk or duran." I heard someone say

We turned around to see (g.t), she sounded tired and miserable, looking as tired as she sounds.

"(G.t)? Are you okay?? You went MIA for a few days! I was worried sick!" I yelled out to her.

"Yeah I just had some.. things to do recently." She stated tiredly and slouched on the couch.

Your POV

I slouched on the couch in Aceh's warehouse. I was beyond exhausted and so tired.

The past few days I was working on keeping my house. I just barely made it though

"Does it look like I'm trying to hard?" Z continued

"Yes! Look at yourself, you have a major cyber crush on this girl! She's hacking your heart into your brain!" Aceh explained.

"Yeah. Don't fall for someone here Z, it will tear you to shreds. Take it from my experience." I stated.

They both just looked at me, confused. I shrugged and they turned their attention back to the argument.

"Z you have to be careful who you meet in the oasis! You don't know who she is." Aceh stated.

"Artim3s gets me. She will get this outfit. There's just this connection-" I cut him off.

"Parzival! Do you hear yourself right now?! You don't know her, she could be a 40 year old man in his mothers basement for all you know!" I stated.

"Your one to talk! You went MIA for the past two days! You could of at least texted one of us to say you were MIA! I would never do that to you, think of how much I was scared for your safety!" Z argued

I huffed, "Well you should be! I'm on the verge of loosing everything! My life even! I went MIA for a reason Parzival. Don't take that out on me."

That seemed to shut him up. After a minute of silence Aceh spoke up.

"Dude just think about it, she could be a 300 pound dude who does live in his mamas basement... And his name is Chuck. Think about that." Aceh stated.

Parzival looked over at me for a second before nodding, teleporting off to the disco area to meet up with Artim3s.

I sighed and ran my hands through my chatacters hair in frustration.

"Great.." I groaned

Aceh sat next to me and looked over at me, feeling guilty I bet.

"So your life is on the line?" Aceh asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. I live in a bad place and I need to pay a whole lot of money to Sorrento in order to stay a free civilian.. he wants me to work in IOI I guess.."

Aceh patted my shoulder comfortingly, "Well as long as your okay now. Now you should go explain to Z about what's happening."

"He's on a date though." I stated.

"Go ruin the date. I don't really like her much anyways." Aceh stated and started pushing me to his door.

I laughed lightly and changed into a super fancy dress that I liked.

"Thanks Aceh." I smiled at him.

"Go ruin that date now! I expect great results." He joked.

I laughed and teleported to the disco planet. I saw Arty tap Parzivals shoulder as he kept spinning, they then talked and walked to the jumping area.

'If she thinks that's where the second key is.. it's not it, it seems to obvious and a ton of people jump in it everyday.'

I looked around some more to see Sorrentos helper guy with the skull stomach. He seemed to be listening to something.

I looked back over at Z to see him jump into the pit, holding her hand.. I continued to watch and saw that they did a dance battle.

'Okay she is definitely not here for the key.. maybe this is a real date.'

I called Aceh and as soon as he answered the call, I showed him what I was seeing.

"Woah girl. They seem like they like eachother." Aceh stated and watched them with me.

"Sad thing is that I started to, too." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

"What?!" Aceh burst.

"Just a bit though. It's going away now." I stated, all though it was false information.

"(G.t) you and I both know that is not true. You cannot loose feelings that fast." Aceh stated.

I sighed in agreement, "I'm trying though."

Next thing I know is Artim3s pushed away Parzival and IOI ambushes them.

I sigh and start shooting from behind, some of the IOI shooting at me too.

I made eye contact with Parzival and he started at me. I rolled my eyes and shot down the other IOIs.

I grabbed out my rubric cube I bought earlier and quickly used it. I went over the Z and Artim3s, sadly, and dragged them out of the disco area.

I pushed them as we landed and crossed my arms.

"Great going Parzival." I scoffed out and shouldered him as I walked past.

I walked backwards, "You almost got yourself killed. And I bet you told her your name too."

He looked at me in disbelief, "How-"

"I know all Parzival." I stated.

Parzivals POV

"I know all Parzival." She stated coldly and stormed off.

'Where did I hear that before?'

Whew that was a load. Tough love, am I right?

Words: 1078

~Elayiah 💕

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