Chapter 6

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Previously On Ready or Not:

Parzivals POV

"I know all Parzival." She stated coldly and stormed off.

'Where did I hear that before?'

Your POV

I logged off. Right when I got away I immediately texted Wade.

(Y.n)-ie: Wade! This guy in the oasis is killing me! I swear to God I wanna just.. ugh!

(Y.n)-ie: Wade? It's been 10 minutes.. you okay

(Y.n)-ie: Wade??

Wade: Sorry I can't talk now (y.n)

"That's weird.. Wade never neglected me.." I mumbled.

I sighed and went outside to take a walk.

When I got close to the stacks, I was knocked over by this guy. He was running to this stack that was getting blown up..?

Wait blown up!?

"Sorry!" He yelled after himself as he turned to face me briefly

He sounded like Parzival..

"Parzival?" I asked. He looked at me confused and looked back when the stacks fell.

"Watch out!" He yelled and lunged at me, pushing us both away.

I groaned.

"How did you know?" He questioned me, I couldn't get up since he is basically straddling me.

"I-I know all." I stated.

"Wait.. (G.t)?" He asked.

I turned a bit red, pushing him off me and getting up quickly.

"Y-you never saw me here. Im not her." I stated and ran back off to my trailer.

Once I got back, I decided that sleep was the best option here since it was late anyways. So I went to sleep somewhat peacefully.

The next morning I woke up to a call from Parzival. He wanted to meet in the Oasis Cinema to go through the key movie choices with the team.

I groaned but got ready anyways, slipping the headset on and joining the oasis.

I appeared next to Sho and Diato. Aceh was behind me and Parzival seemed to be.. I don't know.. Closer to Artim3s somehow.

"So you all finally figured it out." I sighed out.

They all turned to me.

"What do you mean 'Finally'?" Z asked.

I crossed my arms, "Well if I haven't been ignored by someone or pissed off by the other, you'd know."

I was referring to Artim3s and Parzival.

"Curator Can we go in The Shining?" I asked.

"Are you absolutely sure?" He asked.

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