03: Ballistic Ruby

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            It was someone I didn't know but she is pretty and looks like a valedictorian of our school

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            It was someone I didn't know but she is pretty and looks like a valedictorian of our school.

She said, "Hi babe, how is school?"

Then he replied, "Yeah, school is great and we had a quiz yesterday and it was so hard, by the way, this is Lizzie my friend, and also happens to live in my neighborhood!"

I said "Hi?" with a cringing face.

She answered "Hi! The name is Bethany."

I walked out because I feel like a third wheel like literally a third wheel, I listen to their conversations and they mentioned they'll go to the arcade.

I came back and shouted, "I'll come with you guys!"

Bethany turned back and asked, "To where?"

I said "To the arcade! I'll bring my friends, to be right back!"

Bethany told Tyler "Do we have to bring those fools?!"

Tyler answered "Yes! besides, it's gonna be fun! I promise."

I ran towards Lesley and Kim "Let's go to the arcade!" I said.

Lesley confusingly asked, "To where???"

Kim said "Um I have a curfew remember? So I can't hang out."

I asked Kim "Why don't I talk to your parents and tell them we're not going to drink we're just gonna have fun in the arcade."

Kim said, "Fine I'll call mom, be right back."

Lesley was still confused and asked me "Why are we even going to the arcade?"

I told her "I'm gonna show someone who's the boss here!"

Kim shouted "Girls I'm in! but mom gave me 6:00 curfew time, let's go to the arcade!" Tyler grabbed two taxis one for Bethany and him and the other for the three of us.

I am really angry at that girl, my blood is boiling right now so I told the taxi driver "Hey! can you speed up? go in front of that taxi."

Bethany saw me making fun of her and told their driver "Hey! speed up I have an appointment!"

They're ahead of us so I told our driver "Speed up! they're catching up!"

Lesley held at my arms "We're going to the arcade! not the finish line!"

Kim said, "If I only knew that we're going to go racing, I wouldn't have agreed with you guys!"

We went through the traffic light and the red light lit up in front of their taxi so we were first hahaha I want to laugh at her face we waited and as soon as they arrived, I smiled a cheesy smile at Bethany she stared at me like a raging dragon that was about to release its fire breath but then Tyler asked us why don't we eat lunch first before going to the arcade.

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