I. Hate. School.

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Hey guys! It's the last day of winter break for me😭! Sorry if I start to take breaks and slop on my work! Love you!

Carries pov~
"AHHHHH" before I had time to look up I had a Kelly jumping on me.

"Awwwww, carrrrrr I've missed you so much!" She crawls over me then jumps on ash who's sitting besides me. I zone out to what she's saying to him. Today, is the first day of school. Every year something awful happens to me on the first day of school. Last year I tripped in math and got a concussion.

"Woah," Kelly loudly whispers to ash,"Carr is actually thinking." She lets out a giggle and so does ash. 'Such great friends'

I roll my eyes then ash laughs , " so what do you think it'll be this year?" I groan in response. "Bugs in your lunch? Another concussion? Maybe you'll get panced in the auditorium!" He laughs and once again I groan.

"I'm hoping bugs." Kelly thinks to herself. I give her a little shove sending her into the aisle.

"OWWWWE MR.BUS DRIVER SHE PUSHED ME!" Kelly screams across the bus. She gets up then sits on my lap.

"God Kelly. Loose some yet," I shove her onto ash.

"Hey I don't want her!" He shoves her back and suddenly it turns into a game.

"ALRIGHT! You two are just jealous," she slides over and sits in the aisle. "I know I would be," she smirks then the bus pulls up to the school.

Unlike most schools west high gives you your schedule on the first day of school.

"Ewwwww math first." Kelly states looking down at her sheet.

"Me too!" Ash responds they high five. "What about you carr?"

"Science," I mumble.

While exchanging classes they realize they have quite a few together

They all have gym together
Ash and Kelly have science
Kelly and Carrie have homeroom
They all have history together
Ash and Carrie have English
They all have the same lunch

How was that chapter ? Too long? Too short? This is my first story ! I need some help ! Love y'all! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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