Cold Fever

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Zane's right eye flashed black, and I considered taking a step back. Should he relinquish control to Kopa, he would become erratic and highly aggressive. The snow behind me crunched as William began to approach. Zane snarled and bared his teeth. The footsteps stopped as I lifted my hand as an indicator for William to remain where he was.

"Keep back, angel," He warned. His voice warbling as though he was speaking underwater.

"Alright, Zane," I tried to soothe, holding my other hand in front of me as I backed away slowly. "I will not ask any more questions. I am going to leave now."


The three of us froze at the unfamiliar call.

I looked to the sky to see a blond haired Angel with light pink wings preparing to land. The smell of flowers wafted over as did Zane's fear, which alarmed me. I had never seen him afraid. Zane's eye returned to gold as the angel landed in front of him.

"Tobias?" William said in disbelief.

The angel turned and paled when he saw William. He saw me and if anything, grew more pallid. He did not smell of power. A Lesser Angel, I assumed.

"W-Will, what are you doing here?" The angel's voice was timid, maybe an octave or two lower than mine.

Zane looked like he had seen a ghost. His unease made me nervous. "What is going on? Zane, how do you know this angel?"

"You seem familiar with him, Tobias," William added, a slight note of disapproval in his voice.

Tobias lowered his large purple eyes and poked his fingers together. Zane moved stiffly forward until he was standing in front of the shorter angel. I realized with a jolt he was protecting him.

"William. We are leaving." I said, reaching behind me until I felt his wrist.

"Huh? But-"

I looked at him and shook my head. "Let us leave. I am cold."

William regarded my brother and Tobias. Tobias looked up for a moment and, seeing the Archangel looking at him, quickly dropped his gaze. Zane's eyes did not waver from William's face, and they elicited a silent challenge. With a rumble, William looked away first and wordlessly stalked away. I followed closely behind him.

When we were inside the house, he turned on me. He grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall with his arm pressed painfully into my throat. I choked in shock, my hands flying to his arm. My feet were several inches off the floor, and I kicked them futilely. He was the angriest I had ever seen him, his glowing red eyes boring into mine.

[Is he ever going to act predictably?!] Rayi griped.

"What the hell was that? What is your brother doing with Tobias?" He demanded. "Are you demons up to something?"

I struggled to get him to release me. He lessened the force enough for me to gasp out, "I do not know how Zane knows him! I am just as confused as you were!"

Fear pounded in my veins. William did not even look at me so hatefully when we were still enemies. He seemed to be contemplating whether or not he was going to believe me, or if he was going to kill me. Unlike the times before, I was certain he could do it this time. I tried to channel lightning through my body, but my breathing was too quick and shallow to focus on it.

"If this is a trick to kill angels, it will not work! I will kill you before you even get the chance!" He declared.

I flinched from his words. I asked quietly, "You believe my feelings are a lie? W-why? Why would I ever lie about such a thing?!"

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