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Shep did not live at his manor. While he had the rank and means to live there, it was just him and he thought the space arrogant for a bachelor. He resided in an apartment not far from it and only stepped foot inside when he was to throw a party.

The finest souls were laid out. Souls of monarchs, souls of noblemen and highborn humans. The best wine poured from fountains. His manor was even grander than the Royal Adviser's, with marble columns, floors, and staircases. The interior was heady with smoke and tinkling laughs and music filled the air. Most of the guests were other Old Ones and I recognized only a few Optima families. Not even the House of Abaddon, the king's family, had been invited. Had he not been friends with Zane, we likely would not be welcome either.

Mikayla wore a black gown with sheer sleeves, a necklace with a fat ruby donning her slim throat. Diamonds glittered in her hair. She insisted on having the front locks of my hair pulled back to "show off my pretty face." I wore a blood red dress that weighed me down and slowed my movements. I wore only some kohl around my eyes while she and Isolde painted their faces. My twin had bemoaned I did not wear more; I suspected she was hoping I would catch the eye of another Optima or even an Old One. She liked to play matchmaker, but none kept my attention for long.

Isolde wore another dress of cream and tendrils of her curls escaped her elaborate braid. Her eyes brightened when she stepped inside the manor. The only reason she was there was because Mikayla promised she could tag along.

Shep stood in the foyer, chatting with another Incubus. We went over to them and he turned to us with a grin.

He was a handsome demon with a youthful face and old eyes. One eye was black and the other gleamed yellow. His gray hair was already ruffled from a tryst. His white suit would put Lucifer to shame from its luxurious materials and a dahlia was pinned to his lapel. The Incubus beside him was not dressed as flashy in a gray suit, his dark hair slicked back from his sharp face.

"Melanie, Mikayla! How wonderful it is to see you again." He wrapped us both in a hug, kissing the tops of our heads.

Mikayla giggled. "We simply had to come when we heard you were hosting a party tonight."

"She insisted," I smiled weakly and he laughed while he pulled back.

"Still the introvert, eh, Melanie? Oh, by where are my manners? Duchesses, this is Jaran. Jaran, these two visions are Duchesses Melanie and Mikayla Amdusias, Duke Zane's younger sisters."

Before the introduction, Jaran leered at us with eyes dark with lust. Twins were a treat to Incubi. At the mention of Zane, however, his lust vanished and he adjusted his collar. "A pleasure, my ladies. Who is the beauty with you?"

Isolde twirled one of her curls and batted her eyelashes at him. "Duchess Isolde Samael, my lord."

He dropped a kiss on her hand and lingered. She laughed girlishly and I rolled my eyes. Perhaps I had been around Shep for too long, but an Incubus' charm did not affect me. Shep, pleased he had saved his friend from assault for his interest in us, turned to us. "I believe I saw Zane in the dining hall not too long ago, if you wished to join him."

"I would rather mingle. I see him enough at home." Mikayla wandered off. Isolde had gone somewhere with Jaran. I shook my head. Hopefully, her father would not hear of this.

Shep grabbed my hand and examined it. My fingers were healed, but they were paler than the rest of my flesh. "Still healing?"

"No, the healers suspect I will always have discoloration. My fingers on that hand are always chilled, too. Has everyone heard of my misfortune? I would rather not have to explain and tell them what angels are like in every conversation." I pulled my hand from his grasp.

He smiled and offered me a cup of wine. I graciously accepted it and took a sip. "You need not describe them to me. I have loved angels in the past. Their stamina is something else."

I blushed and looked around. He chuckled. "Unlike the Followers, Old Ones are not bound to Lucifer's laws. We humor him to an extent, but that is all. Hell was ours long before he Fell."

The Old Ones held contempt for Lucifer and many of his followers. There were not as many now as there had been in centuries past and Lucifer was hesitant to purge them all. Still, such talk was dangerous. Shep's eyes glazed when a group of Old Ones entered the manor. He licked his lips and quietly said, "Forgive me, my dear, but I have new guests I must greet."

I watched him approach them and laid on his charm. Smiling, I shook my head and silently wished him luck, though he would not need it. The dining hall was packed and I did not see my brother. I found him in the ballroom dancing with an Old One with four arms and cerulean skin. When he saw me, he excused himself and came over to me.

"Mels. I saw Mikayla not too long ago. I am surprised she convinced you to come." He said after kissing my cheek.

"Yes, well, I cannot deny I missed Shep," I replied.

For a second, he frowned before I placated him. "You know I view Shep as a friend and brother. You need not worry."

He offered me one of his quick smiles. "Do keep it that way? Life with an Incubus is not the one I envision for you."

The music changed and my face lit up. I grabbed his hands. "Dance with me! I adore this song!"

He rolled his eyes like it was a pain to dance with his sister, but his grin was playful. "If I must."

I danced with him before others asked for one with me. He reluctantly handed me off to an Optima I did not recognize. He asked me about my father and his duties. I answered politely and pretended I did not know the reason he was asking was because he wanted to court me.

As more demons wanted to dance for the same reason, I could not help but compare them to an unknown standard and found them all lacking. It was only when I lamented they did not have red hair did I realize who I was comparing them to.

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now