Question 22

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Flower: As long as I can have a substitute for chocolate cake, I can do it no problem

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Flower: As long as I can have a substitute for chocolate cake, I can do it no problem.

Piko: I don't really care for food anyway, so I don't think it'd effect me too much. In other words, I could probably do it.

Oliver: I'd really miss cookies, but I'd do it for my family!

Rin: Ok, the thing is, I don't like eating cereal with almond milk or oat milk, so I'd have to never eat cereal again and I dunno if I can handle that.

Len: Ok, if it was to save my current family, then yes, but if it was to save my actual family, then frick no.

Fukase: Why the frick not, sure I'll do it.

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