Chapter 4: Perfect Date

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George's POV

We exited the car, walking inside of the restaurant, immediately greeted with the sounds of sophisticated laughter and chatter.

I looked around, the restaurant packed with people dressed in garments adorned with precious gemstones, jewelry embellished almost on every part of their body.

Waiters and waitresses tended table by table, the restaurant in a frenzy, a fancy band ensemble playing classical music on the stage.

"Do you have a reservation, sir?" A man asked Dream, clutching a fancy clipboard in his hands, raising an eyebrow. This restaurant just drips with sophistication that it makes me feel two times trashy.

"Yes. Reservation under the name of Mojang." Dream replied, the man scanning his clipboard.

"Ah yes, follow me, sirs." The man smiled, power walking as we barely caught up.

He led us to a semi-secluded part of the restaurant, the noise reduced, soft dulcet music filling my ears. There were much fewer people in here, a good place to talk and get to know someone.

"Here is your table, sirs. A waiter will be with you in a minute." The man said, flashing us a polite smile before he left. We sat down, across each other.

"I feel like I'm a bit underdressed." I giggled timidly, motioning at the guests brimmed with jewels from head to toe.

He chuckled, shaking his head, smiling at me, releasing another kaleidoscope of butterflies in my stomach. "It doesn't matter. You've already impressed me."

I laughed nervously, feeling my cheeks grow hot, his words making me blush. "That's good to hear. Just so you also know, my attention is all yours."

He smiled, his peridot eyes glittering, brighter than the crystalline chandeliers. "I'm honored. Hope your attention won't shift somewhere else."

I snickered. "Well, Dream, the only rival you have for today is food."

He wheezed, like the sound of the kettle whenever my tea's ready. Nonetheless, I find it cute, his eyes turning into arcs, his cheeks becoming cute little balls.

A waiter approached us, giving us a menu each. "What will you be having today, sirs?"

I opened the menu, scanning through a lot of options, the pictures already making me drool. I came across a sundae in a glass; chocolate drizzles, chocolate bars, berries and some kind of golden leaf on top.

It looked so scrumptious that I just have to--

I glanced at the price, my eyes almost bulging out, gulping; Golden Opulence Sundae, $1000.

"It's expensive, isn't it?" I whispered to Dream who was just chill and relaxed.

"Don't you remember? This date's sponsored by Mojang. Order anything you want." He grinned mischievously, closing the menu and handing it back to the waiter. "I'll have the Louis XIII pizza, please."

"And I'll have the Golden Opulence Sundae." I gave the menu back to the waiter.

He nodded, flashing a small smile before he left. "Okay, noted. Will be right back with your orders."

I turned to him, slightly raising my left eyebrow, my fingertips clicking against the dark oak table. "So, Dream, what're your hobbies?"

"Judge me all you want but I love gaming. I have tons of other hobbies but gaming stands out the most. Others might find it lazy and unproductive but I find it relaxing and fun." He replied, resting his chin on his hand, his soft eyes gazing deeply into mine.

"I don't judge, that's cool. In fact, I'm a gamer myself and I totally feel you." I said.

"Really? That makes it two times better." His smile widening. "Just a wild guess, is your favorite color blue?"

I gasped, surprised. "Yes! How'd you know? Your guesses of me are very accurate. Are you psychic?"

He wheezed, his laugh contagious that made me stifle a chuckle. "I don't even know how I'm getting all of these right. Coincidence? I don't know. There's just something about you that just feels right...but then again, it can just be pure luck."

Just then, the waiter came back, holding two porcelain plates; one with my sundae and one with Dream's pizza. "Bon appétit!"

Dream gave him a beholden smile, speaking with a perfect French accent. "Merci beaucoup."

The waiter grinned, impressed, giving him a humble bow before leaving.

"Wow, you speak French?" I asked, dazzled by the accent he did earlier. He spoke like a native.

"Oui. I do." He replied, taking a bite from his pizza; topped with caviar, prawns, shrimp, lobster, sprinkled with mozarella and more different varities of cheese.

"That's awesome!" I added as I observed the golden leaf on top of my sundae. Like, is it even edible? Warily, I took a bite from the golden leaf and for a split second, it was like I was sent to cloud nine.

"My roommate's actually French. He's the one who taught me." He explained.

We talked and laughed about stuff ranging from basic information like pet peeves to little things like coffee or tea. We've only met today but I already feel very comfortable around him, it's like I've known him for years. We were so engrossed by each other's company that we totally lost track of time.

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment, sirs, but the next guests have arrived and this table is their reservation now." A waiter said, smiling apologetically.

"Ah, it's okay. We were gonna leave anyways but thanks for the heads up." I replied, standing up, Dream following in pursuit.

We both exited the restaurant, looking at the time on my phone; 3 pm.

Once we got out, I turned to him, pursing my lips in disappointment. "I was having so much fun talking to you. Too bad it has ended."

Instead of frowning, he smirked. "Who said it should end?"

I looked up at him, puzzled. "What are you implying?"

He ran a hand through his hair, tucking his hands into his jacket's pockets, looking at the sky. "George, I've never been this connected with my past dates before. To be honest, I just went on dates to distract myself from the pain."

He looked back at me, a delicate smile tugging on his lips. "But with you, it's different. You didn't distract me. You healed me completely. I'll just cut to the chase, do you want to extend the date with me? No Mojang involved, just the two of us and our perfect imperfections. I don't want to end this perfect date just yet."

Without another word, I grabbed his right hand, lacing it together with my left, flashing him a delighted grin. "I'd love to. Where are you taking me?"

He hummed in thought as we strolled towards his car. "I've got many in mind but it's not a perfect date if we can't do something cliché." He giggled. "Always dreamed to take a date to the movies despite it being common and losing its specialty, pun not intended."

"I still think it's special and at times, sweet and romantic. To the movies then!"

Dream-crossed Lovers (Dreamnotfound AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now