Chapter 25: I Don't Care

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George's POV

I spaced out for a moment, flabbergasted. Not because I thought I wouldn't see him, it's because he doesn't remember me. I snapped back to reality, quickly shaking his hand. "H-Hi, I'm George."

He smiled, eyes turning into small crescents. Cheeks rising, making way for his cheery grin. "Hello, George. Are you Bad's friend?"

I stared blankly at him, jaw agape. I searched deep into his dark-pigmented eyes, desperately checking if this is just some sick troll or something. But no matter how much I tried, he really looked oblivious and incognizant.

"Yes, I am." I replied, giving him a dry smile, a million thoughts racing to and fro in my mind.

"Come, sit with us." Skeppy beckoned me over and I followed, sitting down on the creepily identical sofa. Not only it is identical in colour, shape and size; it's also similar with its little things such as softness, texture and even the small scratches that my late cat marked on it.

"Skeppy, honey, why don't you get George those cookies of yours?" Bad said, nuzzling against him.

Skeppy then stood up, bursting into a lively grin. I've never seen him this happy ever since they got together. Well, I haven't seen him at all. "Of course!" He turned to skedaddle towards the kitchen, a spring on his step.

"Bad...Bad..." I muttered, burying my face into my palms, releasing a hefty sigh. I looked up at him, our gazes polar oppposites. "What is happening?"

I've many more questions swirling in my mind but I don't wanna suffocate him. He finally looks happy, I don't wanna take that away from him.

He slumped his shoulders, a frail smile settling on his lips. "This is a cell disguised as our house. They finally gave Skeppy back to me but Skeppy doesn't remember anything nor is aware that this is all a set-up." He glanced at the direction of the kitchen, making sure Skeppy doesn't accidentally overhear. "He only knows that we've been dating for quite some time and we live together in"

I placed my hand on his shoulder, my other hand squeezing his in an act of comfort. That's all what I can give at the moment. "Bad, don't you think you should tell him the truth? That...he's an android?"

The smile on Bad's face faltered, eyes overcasted with hesitation. "I don't know. He looks so happy and so oblivious from all of this debacle. Ignorance is bliss, I wouldn't dream of taking that away from him."

"Bad, you wouldn't want him to live forever in a lie, wouldn't you?" I asked, trying my best to assure him that telling Skeppy the truth of his identity is the right choice. Yet I also understand his side and why he's doubting. "The sooner you tell him, the less painful it'll be."

Before he could tell me his decision, Skeppy strutted into the room, carrying a plate full of milk and chocolate-chipped cookies stacked on top of each other, hitting us with that bright howbeit clueless smile of his. "Here you go!" He placed the plate on the table, stepping back to admire his handiwork.

"Thank you, Skeppy." I said, taking one cookie from the plate. I took a bite and the sweetness and savouriness danced on my tongue, the slight zest of fruit giving me a blast of flavour. He might've forgotten me but atleast he didn't forget all those baking lessons Bad and I taught him.

"Hey, Bad, what's wrong? Why the frown?" Skeppy asked, noticing Bad's distress.

"I...I can't do it myself." He replied, hugging himself, averting his eyes from Skeppy's.

"Do what?" Skeppy began to worry, frowning. He draped his arm over Bad's shoulder. "Bad, is there something you wanna tell me?"

Bad glanced at me, giving me an 'it's your cue' look. I took a deep breath, mustering all the courage I have left. I cleared my throat. "Skeppy, you don't remember me at all?"

"I...I'm not sure." He replied, looking troubled. "There's that feeling of déjà vu. It's like there's something...tampering with my mind. Everything and everyone else is hazy. All I remember is Bad."

"Skeppy, remember the first time we met? When you said Bad told you a lot of things about me?" I said gently, trying to find ways to trigger his memory back. I'm sure it's still there, the code to his past memory must've just been hidden. If it wasn't, he wouldn't have told me that he's feeling déjà vu.

He didn't respond, only staring at the floor, deadpanned. It must be working.  It's gotta be working. My eyes perked up, an idea sparking in my mind. I stood up and extended my hand to him, flashing him the same sweet smile as day one. "It's also nice to meet you. All good things, I hope?"

He looked up to me, familiar eyes meeting my gaze. He shook my hand. "All good things."

Bad instantly bursted into a fit of tears, overwhelmed with immense joy and relief. "Skeppy! You're back!"

I covered my mouth with my hand, eyes becoming a little teary. He's back, he's really back.

In a blink, Skeppy pressed both of his hands onto Bad's cheeks, pulling him closer and closer until there were nothing left between them, lips locked with each other.

They pulled back, out of breath, mesmerized. Skeppy smiled. "I didn't have a chance to do that before, I'm not wasting any more."

Bad cracked a smile despite the tears overflowing from his eyes. "I love you so much, Skeppy, to the moon and back."

"I love you too, Bad."

I didn't want to be that person to ruin such a wholesome moment but time's running out. Unlike people, time won't ever stop running. If we won't keep moving, we would stop running but we'd never be able to run again. "Uhm, sorry to ruin the mood but there's another thing we need to tell you."

"I'm not human, aren't I?" He asked, eyes tainted with pain but he looked like he was ready for this moment. It's like he already knew this but kept denying it.

I slowly shook my head. "You're not."

He released a heavy sigh but surprisingly, he smiled; a reaction I didn't see coming. "I mean, I kinda knew it. After that road trip, I've been having unclear memories that I've been tied to a metal table, my stomach open. Wires, bolts, screws; metal everywhere." He glanced at Bad, embracing acceptance of his true identity. "I don't care. Android or not, as long as BadBoyHalo loves me, I'm contented and happy."


We managed to escape the building of damnation successfully, the guards in total frenzy. We really owe Tubbo and Tommy for this, we would've been dead by now if not for them.

We all squeezed into Tommy's car, not looking back. Tommy started the car, revving the engine, the car producing a badass purring sound. Before the guards could notice that we were out of the building, Tommy floored the gas pedal, sending us accelerating at lightning speed.

"Why did you even save us?" Dream asked, pouting. "Not that I'm not grateful or anything."

"Tommy was in a good mood because he had his discs back." The adorable brown-haired boy at the front seat replied. He literally is an opposite of Tommy, what a duo. "And also, Mojang and Tommy has beef that started a long time ago."

"Shut up, Tubbo, don't expose me." Tommy huffed.

"I'm sorry." Tubbo uttered, twiddling with his fingers.

Tommy sighed, gruff exterior softening a bit. "I told you that you don't have to apologize for every little thing, you have nothing to be sorry about."

"...I'm sorry." Tubbo muttered under his breath.

Tommy inhaled sharply but then exhaled softly, he glanced at Tubbo, flashing him a genuine gentle smile. "It's okay."

I couldn't help it but also smile while internally screaming inside. I've never seen Tommy smile this tenderly before. Well, I perceived him as the type who doesn't smile much. But never judge a book by its cover, right? There's really a soft side beyond that icy exterior.

"Now that we're on the run again, where are we off to?" Sapnap asked.

Tommy smirked, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "Bid Au revoir to France and say Hej to Sweden! We're off to meet the original creator of the droids; Notch."

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