The First Day.

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Obi-wan walked into the new school he was in year 9, and was 14 but he had moved house and found a new school, he was nervous he didn't like not knowing anything about the place he had just entered. He had met one person on his way to school that was qui-gon and he was the same age as obi-wan but looked older as he was wiser and everybody got advice from him. But he was nice, mainly listened but he seemed genuinely interested in what obi-wan said. Obi wan was medium build and was in good physical condition, no abs but no fat either he wore a plain t-shirt not wanting people knowing too much about him, jeans and nike blacker trainers

As they entered the hall he saw an angel, dark brown hair, red lips, a vertical scar by his eye, his eyes were a shade of brown but to obi-wan it looked like a golden halo, he was in peak physical condition and was aware of it wearing a tight t-shirt and ripped jeans. He seemed cocky but still likeable. Obi-wan felt that compared to Anakin he was just a new arkward boy at school. He was a nobody. He was talking to a group of boys and a few girls who obiwan assumed were the social elite and that agel of boy was in charge.

"That's Anakin, he's the most popular guy at school good grades and on all the sports teams."qui-gon stated, noticing obi-wan prolonged gaze at him.

Anakin, thought obi-wan thought what a perfect name.

Obiwan soon found out later on that day that Padme the popular girl at the school had feelings for Anakin. He felt crouched obi-wan knew it was nearly impossible but now it was just plainlt impossible.

Anakin was talking to his mates when a kid same age as him who he didn't recognise walked into the hall Anakin only glanced for a second but the boy was perfect, slicked back auburn hair, plain t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans and Nike trainers. Anakin thought about how he could talk to him. He hoped they would have some classes together as they looked the same age but the new kid looked slightly younger because he looked more innocent than the rest.

During maths obi-wan got hit with a paper airoplane with a not tucked inside obi-wan was suspicious as his only friend was qui-gon and they weren't in the same maths class.
He opened the note up


Obi-wan looked aound he had no idea who sent the note as nobody was looking at him, he was nervous but looked straight ahead and nodded his head it would be good to meet new people, even if this person attacked him he could defend himself and know that was a person to avoid.
Obi-wan looked at his time table he had lunch next this made him nervous and excited.


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