It Isn't The End

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Anakin wanted to fall to the floor, but tears rolled down his face obi-wans parents entered to sit and talk with their son. Anakin went to storm out, he needed to clear his head, obiwans father grabbed his arm gently to stop him but obi-wan told him to let him go.

Anakin walked out of the building and as soon as he was out he fell to the floor, screaming and crying ignoring the world around, this wasn't real it couldn't he and obi-wan were destined to grow old together, he hit himself hoping to wake up he didn't. This only renewed him with fresh anger and sadness knowing it was real and there was nothing he could do to stop.

Obi-wan told his dad to let Anakin let him go he knew Anakin would want to be alone.

"Obi we need to talk." Lily said (his mother, Peter is his dad)

" I know mum, and I'd like to start, I love you and there is only one thing I want. There's no cure yet, there is treatment to prolong my life, so I want to go school as much as I can," obiwan said" Anakin will need a place to live and he should live with us as his dad kicked him out. And that's why I need to go to school, he will want to spend all the time he can with me and I don't want his life ruined due to lack of education as he was here with me. So I need to go to school as much as I'm able and I don't want you to stop me." he began to let tears gently roll down his eyes.

" Obi you shouldn't be going to school you'll need your, your strength for the treatment." Peter said rubbing his sons arm.

" Dad I need to go to school so at least Anakin can have a future for as far as the world knows. I'm terminally I'll. Hey also on a more happy note I get to have one final wish from make a wish and. I know what I want." obi-wan said trying to cheer the mood up

His parents couldn't help but give slight laugh at their sons ability to always see the lightside of anything.

" And what is your wish, Obi?" Lily asked.

" That's a secret I'll tell the foundation. " obi-wan said tapping his nose with a grin on his face.

"What's wrong child, Who is it that's ill?" a voice asked sitting next to Anakin.

Anakin looked at him "Well father, its my boyfriend he's got terminal cancer  and there's nothing I can do to help." Anakin confessed wiping his eyes and talking to the 60 or so year old priest.

" You may be gone from my sight but you are never gone from my heart." the priest said staring with compassion into Anakin's eyes.

" Is that what the Bible says about death." Anakin asked looking back to the priest.

"Oh no, the bible said we shouldn't be saddened by death, so I don't use the quotes on that subject. It's the best to be saddened by death as then we can remember all the good times and the bad times with that person. Ive always found that for example:
    If you live to be a hundred
I want to live to be a hundred
            minus one day
       so I never have to live
         a day without you.

That's not God that's somebody who know more about death than realising it as both of those quotes are from winnie the pooh"

Anakin smiled this simple encounter with the priest had realised no matter what happened it would be ok. No matter what happened.

Anakin thanked the priest and walked back with him towards the hospital he came into obi-wans ward feeling ashamed, but that self pity was banished to see obiwan getting up and walking to the exit.

"Come on Anakin I'm sure we can still catch history." obi-wan said cheerily.

"You can't you've just found out you've got cancer." Anakin said shocked.

"Actually I can, also I'm finding history of medicine fascinating." grabbing his arm to stabalize himself and walk towards the car.

Anakin looked toward obi-wans parents to ask for answer but they seemed fine with it. But they didn't say a word, on the way to school Obi-wan told Anakin how he'd live with him and his family and how he couldn't wait to watch him train, to Anakin's protests obi-wan said he's captain and how he was head of analysis and they had a duty no matter what, but Anakin made obi-wan promise to tell Bail the news.

They got to school and did history like it was a normal school day, Anakin and obi-wan loved it that way.

Anakin Kenobi. Teenage LoveWhere stories live. Discover now