Friends Or More?

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Over the next few weeks obi-wan and Anakin became better friends now talking outside of lessons as well as in them. One morning obi-wan handed Anakin his his homework and Anakin hugged him and said:

"Your a life saver. Love you man."

"Just doing what any friend would do to help out" obi-wan said thinking about what Anakin had said, it confused him as was he just thanking him from stopping him getting a detention. Or was he speaking the truth and confessing his love to him.

Anakin was beating himself inside why had it said it so casually as thought it meant nothing. He looked at obi-wan with a smile.
But obi-wan looked into his eyes the blue almost seemed sad, no longer a happy warm sea. He looked angry and upset at himself obi-wan was only more confused by this.

"Do you wanna go to town on Saturday as I can't stand another boring Saturday at my house." obi-wan asked genuinely.

Anakin eyes filled with with joy again and they became a warm see again.

"Sure, around 10?" Anakin asked.

"Sure see you then" obi-wan said trying to hide the euphoria he felt within him.

Obi-wan practically ran home as soon as school was over he was trying to figure out what he was going to wear.

Should he wear simple outfit like: loose t-shirt, jeans, Nike trainers and a  hoodie.

Or if he should go for good looking style with: fitted t-shirt to show off the muscles he'd gained to try and impress Anakin, with skinny ripped jeans, black boots, and a dark leather jacket.

He wanted to look like he had made an effort but not over do it. He decided to go for the second option as he was hoping this time with Anakin might start something between them. Obi-wan decided to throw on some sports gear and head and go to the gym he wanted to look great for Anakin.

Anakin was nervous that he would do something stupid and ruin their friendship. He didn't know if he could jepodise their friendship for something more like love. He packed a bag a went to the gym whenever he was stressed, nervous or had a big decision to make that's where where he always went and today it was all three. He knew what he would wear
Fitted, t-shirt, skinny jeans, Nike trainers, and a Nike tracksuit jacket.

As obi-wan was almost finished doing his chin ups and was about to started his advanced sit-up. Anakin walked in wearing a fitted grey Nike vest some sports shorts and blue Nike shoes, obi-wan watched him for a minute but didn't approach him as he had airpods in and had started doing push ups. Obi-wans hearted started beating fasted than it was from his work out, as he admired Anakin's perfect muscles all over his arms and abdomins.

As Anakin walked in he noticed obi-wan doing chin ups over to his left, he seemed deep in thought so he left him alone and started doing his pushup. Anakin looked up to see obi-wan change from a sports top into a vest Anakin admired his abs they weren't hugely defined but to Anakin they looked perfect. He also remembered that obi-wan didn't have muscles there when they first met, was he trying to get so arm muscles and abs to impress him. If so he would have to compliment his muscles tommorow making a mental note to do so.

As obi-wan pulled his head through his vest he noticed Anakin looking at him, this made him slightly nervous as he hoped Anakin was impressed with his abs and muscles. He smiled to Anakin he smiled back. Then they both went back to what they were doing, both fully focused on looking amazing tommorow and having a good day then.


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