Important Notice

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Dear Readers,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/Hannakh or whatever you celebrate. This is an important update, so please read on.

I have decided to put this story 'YG Protection Program' on hold. I don't know for how long, but hopefully not so long. I'm having a hard time deciding what to do with this story. I left off on  a cliffhanger I know, and I promise i'll have an update for you as soon as I come up with an idea. I'm going to wait until I have the rest of the story planned out, and the chapters written to release it, and I'll update 1 or 2 times a week, most likely Monday and Friday. That way, It's easier for me not to stress about writing a new chapter for those who demand one, and so you readers know when the next one is coming. For now, I'll be writing a new story, topic unknown, but i'll make a blog post when I do, and put up a poll later. This story's desciption will come out as soon as I have my concept, but th first chapter will come out also on New Years. Please do not unsubscribe from this story, as it should not be to long that it's on hold. Like I said, I'll keep you updated.

Thank you for all the support so far, and I just want to throw out that this story will be back on track faster, if you guys have any ideas you would like to see be put into action. You can message me, and if I use your idea, I'll be sure to give you credit.

Thank you guys for understanding. As an author and reader, I understand how hard it is to weait for a story you love, well if you love it. But please bear with me, for the exiting moments to come in this fic. 

Anyways, thanks,



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