Dara POV
I walked along the hallway with my friend Minzy, clutching my arm.
She begged."Nope!"
She crossed her arms as we approached our lockers.
"But why?"
She questioned."Why can't you just steal your mom's copy?"
"She didn't buy one this week! I need to see CL!"
CL is a famous model that everybody goes crazy for, and I don't see why. I opened my locker and the magazine fell out. Minzy snatched it off of the floor and dashed into the girls restroom, locking herself in the first stall. I sighed in defeat and got back to my locker, grabbing my books. A few minutes later, she came out with a big grin on her face.
"What crawled up your ass?"
I asked, smirking. She pointed to the article that had CL and and a picture of our school on it."C-C-CL!"
"S-She's coming HERE!"
She jumped up and down.
"What should I wear?"
She questioned to herself. She ran off, leaving me alone."MY MAGAZINE!"
I screamed at her, sighing.
I raced the clock to first period, and made it just in time."Class, as you are probably aware, Miss CL will be attending our school starting tomorrow. You are to treat her like a normal student. Arasso?"
The teacher stated."Arasso!"
We replied. The teacher started on her lesson, but nobody was paying attention. Everybody was too exited for CL to get here. I was just afraid that Minzy and CL will become besties and I'll have nobody. I'm not exactly what you call 'popular'. The bell rung, and I walked off to Science. Again, people would not stop talking about it, I mean her.CL POV
Today was the day I start my normal life, well hopefully T.T. I know i'll be pampered with sweets and gifts and i'll be asked for autographs and pictures. I just wish that they would treat me normally. I stepped out of the car, only to be surrounded by all my fans. I waved. I caught somebody giving me a glare from across the schoolyard. Oh well, I have haters too.
"Gamsahabnida everybody!"
I signed a few more autographs before entering the school, only to be attacked by even more fans. I saw that same girl, but this time she was giving me a look like she elt sorry for me. I did. I love all my fans, no matter what, but I do need space. I am a little socially awkward after all. I knoww hat you're thinking. Socially awkward? Nah. Well, yes. Nobody ever is friends with me for me, just because i'm famous, and they want those cool opportunities and such. I started breathing very fast, my vision became blurry, it was getting harder to breathe. That girl must have noticed, because she stood up and said something.
She shrieked. Immediately, everybody walked a few steps back, examining me. One by one, they started leaving. I walked over to her.
"No problem. Nobody should have to go through something like that. It must suck."
Before I could reply, she walked off. Nobody's ever done that before. Is this a person who's not unde my spell? Hmm, I should test it. During lunch, there were so many people gesturing for me to sit next to them. I saw the girl from earlier, sitting with two other people. I decided to sit there. I placed my tray down and the girl looked up, confused.
"Is this seat taken?"
I asked.
She shook her head, and I sat down. I looked over t the other two girls, who were sitting there with their mouths open.
"Close your mouths girls, unless you want flies in em."
I joked. They frantically closed their mouths and laughed nervously.
"So. Are you gonna sit there or are you gonna tell me your names?
I asked the girls, looking at the one from earlier.
"I'm Soohyun."
Said a girl with an adorable face I just wanted to reach over and pinch.
"I-I'm Minzy"
Said the girl with short, jet-black hair.
"I'm Dara."
Said the girl from earlier, without looking up from her book. She munched on an apple, and the other two just stared at me. The other two must be fangirls. I need to test Dara to see if she could actually be a friend. A real friend.
"So girls, how would you like to go to my next model shoot?"
The two fangirls nodded enthusiastically, and Dara looked up from her book.
"No thanks."
She said.
"Okayyy, how about shopping I'll pay!"
She passed the test. The other two, well I'l see about them later.
"Oh well."
I looked at my food and started eating.
"Is your book good?"
"Yeah. I'm almost done with it."
"Great! Listen, do you think you could give me a tour around school? I don't really know my way yet."
"Yeah, sure. Are you ready now?"
I got up and followed her, waving bye to Soohyun and Minzy.
"So, there is the woman's bathroom, and there's the mens."
It continued for a little before I engaged in a conversation.
Dara POV
"About earlier, I wanteds to thank you. You kind of left me hanging."
"Well anyways, thanks a lot. I-I'm a little socially awkward."
"Mwo? How? You're really famous!"
"Well, being famous has a price. Almost no privacy, and lots of fake friends."
"Wow. Would you go back f you could?"
I asked, curiously.
She pondered this for a minute before saying
"You know what? I just might. I love my fans, but it's really hard to eve go visit my parents in private. Even when I was in CHina, my every move was filmed. It's like being stalked. That's the closest thing I can think of."
"I wouldn't want to be famous."
"Hey listen. Earlier whe nI talked about the shopping and stuff, that was a test to see if you were just some other fake-friend. There's a movie I wanna see, but it looks so scary! Do you wanna go see it with em?"
"How do I know this isn't another test?"
"You don't"
She chuckled.
"You know what? Sure. It's been a while since i've been out."
I don't know about this. Can I trust her? I can't trust anybody these days.
So how was chapter one? Boring I know, but it's knd of hard to start off a story with a good kickm ya know? It'll get better, trust me. Next chapter, you'll find out why she can't trust anybody anymore, it'll be a flashback. Okay byeeee!

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Fiksi PenggemarDara was just an average junior in highschool. CL was a model. Not just any model though. The most famous model. What happens when CL enrolled as a junior in the same school as Dara?