Chap 6

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Chapter 6
Bom's POV
The door closed and a tear slid down my cheek, knowing that I'd never see them again. Who knows what they'll do to me here. Enslave me? Kill me? Worse thoughts ran across my mind, but I didn't have any time to consider them. Ten cold faces stared at me. I had to go down fighting. I threw a punch, but it was caught, my arm twisted and I was kicked to the ground.
"What do we do with her? She's not the one we want."
"We take her to boss. See what he wants to do with her."
They picked me up by my arms and I felt restraints being tied to my wrists, and a gag put in my mouth. They started walking and I was forced to walk with them. I looked around and noted my sy=urroundings for a possible escape route. 
They brought me to a very small room which simply had a bed, no more like a cot- and nothing more. It reminded me of a prison, except prisons actually had toliets. 
"We'll leave you here until boss is ready."
He said. I returned it with a glare and my mouth pursed into a straight line. I needed to get  out of here. 
I sat on the bed for what seemed like hours before a figure stepped out of the shadows.
"Hello, Ms. Park."
Dara's POV
I sat in the car seat, looking out the window, hating CL for not even trying to save Bom. One part of me said you wouldn't be able to save her, all three of you would end up dead, but the other told me we could save her. I didn't know which to believe. 
After some time, we finally arrived at HQ. Tears were still silently falling down my cheek, and CL looked at me with a look of guilt, and sadness. I appreciate that she wanted to keep us safe, but I didn't want to be near her. I quickly walked away from her as soon as I stepped out of the car door. 
"Dara wait-"
I cut her off by running, praying she wouldn't run after me. As I entered the door, people greeted me with smiles until they saw my face. 
"W-what happened Dara?"
I couldn't bring myself to speak.
"Bom saved our lives by giving up hers."
A small girl came to the front of the crowd.
"Is my sissy coming back?"
She asked. I put my hands over my mouth, and I couldn't respond. I simply walked away from the situation., into my room. 
CL knocked on my door, and entered. 
"Dinner's done."
I was silent.
"Dara, please don't give me the silent treatment."
I cocked my head to look into her hurt eyes.
"I'm not hungry."
I muttered. I lied, I'm starving.
"Yes you are."
She set down a plate of food on my dresser.
"Be sure to put it in the cafeteria when you're done. They'd kill me if they knew I did this."
She weakly smiled, and exited my room. For some reason her smile sent chills down my spine, and made me smile. It was like she was controlling my emotions from outside my body, with a remote or something. What was this feeling? I've never felt it before, not even when I was dating. Whatever it was, I couldn't determine if I liked it or not. 
As I closed the door behind me, I put my hand to my chest. The feeling. I knew I couldn't deny it. Everytime I saw her, butterflies were in my stomach, my heart raced, beads of sweat dripped off my hand. I like Dara. I have to try. We have to go back for Bom.
Bom's POV
The figure was slim, with brown hair, dressed in a suit and a smirk.
"W-who are you?"
I asked, nervously.
"Tsk tsk. That is not for you to know. You may call me.. boss."
I spat back, causing him to laugh.
"Ah, you are very funny miss. Now let's get back to business. You need to tell me where your HQ is located."
"Let me finish. If you don't well we have other ways of figuring it out."
"Well, your friends seemed to steal one of our agents car, and it has a tracking device. It takes four days to locate it."
"If you already have it, why ask me?"
"Well you see, time is very important, and four days may be too long. If you tell us, we'll return you to you're people, unharmed."
"And if I don't"
"Well, we have two options. You can become a Bewze, and help us hunt Exons, or you can die."
I gulped.
"You have three days to decide. Until then, you'll be staying in our flat."
"The 12."
My eyes widened at the thought, and I knew something bad was going to happen.


My blindfold was untied until I was sitting on a couch. I looked around and saw the 12 boys all together. The one that attacked us in the room where Dara's parents were stood up.

"Well good morning Bom"

"How do you know my name?"

I snappily asked, earning a hard slap in the face.

"We are the only ones who get to ask questions."

I faced him, my left cheek burning and now slightly red. He started introducing the 12 left to right. 

"I'm Taeyang. That's Kris, Leo, Suho, Ravi, Seungri, Tao, Hongbin, TOP, Kai, N and Boss"

I recognized the first three from the cafe, and I recognized the one at the end. Boss, they one who had a conversation with me. He stood up.

"I bet you're wondering my name, aren't you? Well you'll find out soon, not yet. Now You introduce yourself, Ms. Park."

I shot an angry glare his way.

"I-I'm Park Bom."

I felt 12 pairs of eyes sizing me up, trying to figure me out, or just checking me out.

"I know you, you're that one pop star. Sing for us."


I spat at him, the one introduced as Tao. Kai got up, and started to throw a punch. Boss stopped him.

"Now now Kai, is that any way we treat our guests?"

"Ill never sing for you. They'll come for me, I know they will."

"Sweetheart, sorry to reak it to you, but.........

Nobody's coming."


Well, I have a new chapter! I wanted to post it Monday, but I decided to post it today. You can expect updates, at least two or three a week.! I hope... school is kind of.. well yeah! >< Bear with me!Okay, so please tell me what you thought of this chapter, and the one I posted yesterday! I'm going to post a new story after this one is complete, and I'm going to start working on it now, if you guys could shoot some ideas my way, that would be great! I'm leaning towards 2nexo, mainly for Lubom, Chaekris, Kaizy, and Chandara! Those ships are life.. but Chaera is still my OTP!

Anyways, love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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