Chapter 5
I walked into my room, thinking. I know that Dara has the skill to go on this mission. I just can't pinpoint why I don't want her to come. I stopped thinking about it as I stripped out of my training clothes and turned on the water, waiting for it to warm up before stepping in.
I worked in the shampoo, and rinsed. Then conditioner. Then I washed my body with the most terrifying soap bars in the world. I have to admit, I do miss the regular life. Soda's and snacks. Makeup and actual body wash.
I turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping my washed out, dirt covered robe around myself. I got into the simple pajamas left for me and climbed into the bed, falling asleep to the sound of the air vent dispensing heat into the cold room.
I woke up and saw an outfit on my dresser with a note attached to it.
Wear this so we look like Bewze citizens.
I put on the simple outfit and tied my hair into a ponytail. I went to the breakfast room and took my seat next to Bom and Dara.
"Those outfits are hideous."
Dara scowled.
"Well we don't exactly have the formalites of designer clothes."
I scoffed. Bom pouted, saying
"I wish we did. I miss my face."
Bom was normally a heavy makeup wearer, and down here makeup that was worn was minimal to none, you were lucky if you had mascara. I finished my breakfast of oatmeal and buttered toast, and discarded my tay in the bin.
Bom followed andnear the crates. I got up cautiously and walked near the boxes, revealing the noise.
Her head we waved behind to Dara, leaving. It wasn't until then I noticed her features. Her long, brown hair and perfect complexion, long eyelashes that compliment her deep brown eyes.
I shoved the thoughts out of my mind and walked with Bom to the plane. There, three other people awaited us. We boarded the plane when the last two people arrived and took off.
I had fallen asleep, as had most everybody. We were all awakened with a big noise in the back popped up.
"You didn't really think I was gonna let you go without me did you?"
"Yeah, I did."
She pursed her lips together and sighed.
"You aren't coming. We'll take you back."
"No can do CL."
The pilot yelled back.
"We hardly have enough fuel to get back. It's safer to take her with us instead of leaving her in the plane. Somebody could find us. Take her."
He continued.
I was angry at Dara. No, angry wasn't the word. I was scared for her.
I gave in, knowing their was no point to argue. Shortly after, we arrived in the community. We slowly exited and grouped like it was normal. We tried our best to act like we belonged there.
When we arrived at the Bewze HQ, there were guards waiting, and asked us for ID. I looked at Bom, and we both took out hankerchiefs doused with a type of gas, that made the guards pass out, and forget the scene that the hankerchief was used.
We entered the building, and a very modernized room with a few people sitting on black chairs, eyeing us wit heach step we took. One of them murmmered something i nto a walkie talkie and we quickly walked out of the room ,to the elevators.
We were suddenlygreeted with several men in suits and glasses they forcefully charged at us, at Dara first. They managed to pull out hankerchiefs and my vision faded black.
When I woke, I saw everybody, sitting in chairs, mouths covered with ductape, tied to the wooden chairs.
"Ah, you're awake."
A voice said. I recognized it as Leo, one of the 12. A few others stepped out. Some I didn't recognize. Before any more words were spoken, everybodystarted to wake up, one by one. Leo got up and pulled out Dara's chair so that it faced us. Unlike us, she had a wrap over her eyes as well.
"I'm not gonna give you a lot of chances here, so I suggest you answer me."
"What do you want?"
"The location of your HQ."
"No way."
He sighed.
"I knew this would happen."
He pulled out a pocket knife and held it to Dara's throat.
"Boss wants her alive Leo!"
"Shut up Bobby. This information is important."
My eyes widened.
"You wouldn't!"
"Try me Chae."
I struggled against the bonds around my wrists and ankles, already turning the flesh raw.
"Now I'm gonna ask you one, and I mean one time. Where is the Exon HQ?"
I felt the bonds loosenn, and I looked to Bom, hers were too. She jumped us as a distraction and broke the bonds, as did I and the others started trying to escape their bonds as well. While Bom was distracting them, I ran towards Dara.
"Oho, it won't be that easy."
One of the men said, blocking my way. I threw a successful punch at his cheek, and he clenched his jaw, and his eyes told a story of anger. He came at me, throwing kicks and punches angrily. I tripped him, causing him to hit his head o nthe ground and pass out.
I quickly took a wrap off of Dara's eyes to reveal the brown orbs filled with terror. I quuickly undid her bonds and we ran. Everybody ran with us. We made it back to the plane, managing to loose the Bewze along the way. Before we boarded the plane, Dara stopped me, her eyes now filled with anger.
"My parents."
I sighed and tightened my ponytail.
"We can-"
"We have too. Or else this whole trip would have been for nothing."
I could tell she was not fine.
"Dara, we hardly made it back."
"Fine, then I'll have to go alone."
She turned around and started walking. I grabbed her arm. She had an impatient look.
"Me and Bom will join you."
She had a faint smile on her face.
I walked and turned going to tell the pilot to take everybody else home.
"But CL, how will you get home?"
"We'll hijack a car or something. Worst come to worst, we may just have to get a taxi."
He nodded, and me and Bom walked out, alongside with Dara.
We looked around, this is where her parents were supposed to be. The lights went out, and 11 of the twelve figures stepped in.
"We moved them."
"Are they alive?"
Dara asked.
"Yes, but not for long."
Dara looked down.
"If.. if I go to you, will you let them go?"
"Of course."
"Dara no!"
She stepped forward, only to sock the one in front in the face.
"Bad move girly."
The man stepped out of the room, and signaled the ten to attack. Bom grabbed Dara and myself's hand and threw us out of the now-closing door, leaving herself i nthe room with the ten. My eyes widened , mouth opened in shock.
Dara beat me to shouting. She covered her mouth and started sobbing. I found myslef crying. I grabbed Dara's hands and held it.
"W-We can't do anything now. We have to go."
She looked at me with sad eyes, with a hint of anger directed towards me.
It was then I soimply dragged her by her hand as she sobbed. Like I said, we hijacked a car, and the whole way she was crying. I put my hand on ehr shoulder to comfort her, only to be shoved away.
I was speechless, and found myself in my thoughts.
How was I going to tell everybody else?
I am back! Soo, I will hopefully update a little more often now. I've gotten some messgaes and you guys are really supportive and sweet! Soo, anyways I shall not reveal anything about the next chapter! I have it written and ready to go, most likely post on Monday or Tuesday.
Thank you for being patient with me, ideas have started flowing! This chapter is longer then normal! Hope you all like it ~
I'm also saving up Karma points to hopefully get this story advertised! That is, if I'm still working on this story by the time I get enough Karma! Haha.
Well, love you all so much! <3 ^^

YG Protection Program
FanfictionDara was just an average junior in highschool. CL was a model. Not just any model though. The most famous model. What happens when CL enrolled as a junior in the same school as Dara?