♠️PART 32

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tae pov

we drove for about 15 minutes in complete silence.when we reached i was shocked because he brought me to the same resteraunt that i took him to when i told him to leave jin.this guy is pretty wicked for hes age.we went inside and ordered a couple of drinks.i have to admit that i was kind off surprised that they didnt drive me to a cliff and push me of which i was 100% sure they were going to do.

"why are we here?" i asked him frankly.i have to show him that im not afraid of him.

"because we need to talk" jungkook sighed and looked at jimin who looked down.

"actually tae,theres a few things that need to be made clear" jimin said

"my name is taehyung not tae,and yes there are a few things that need to be made clear" i said shocking myself because i had no idea where all of this courage was suddenly coming from.

"fiesty arent we" jungkook smirked and sipped on hes drink.i just rolled my eyes and walked up to an empty table.jungkook and jimin followed soon after.im glad that they didnt order a private room.we sat down and ordered food.i dont have an appetite but i decide to order just so that i could waste this assholes money.i ordered one of the most expensive dishes on the menu.the table was filled with silence and we waited for our order that soon arrived.

"taehyung can you stop acting like we did something wrong to you,i know you enjoyed your time" jungkook said and smirked at me.

"enjoyed?!are you serious!!you forced me to sleep with jimin and emotionally tortured me and you're saying that i enjoyed my time!" i tried as hard as i could not to scream but i couldnt hold back.this guy just makes my blood boil.i cant believe i used to consider him my brother.

"stop screaming!and let me explain" jungkook said.i scoffed and looked away.i really cant deal with this anymore,i had to go through so much because of these two peopl who i considered my loved ones

"relax" jimin said

"relax,you are telling me to relax?do you know what you've put me through?huh?you were supposed to be my best friend jimin!i trusted you!i hate you!i hate you!" i screamed,i felt the tears stream down my face.i wiped them away because i dont want these vile people to see how hurt and broken i am.

"excuse me" jimin said and went off to the restroom.

"taehyung listen carefully to what i'm about to say because its the truth and nothing else" jungkook said and looked at me seriously.i didnt say anything and just looked back at him "the only reason why i did this is because of jimin,he loves you taehyung,he really does and unfortunately i love him.i have to admit that jin will always have a special place in my heart but im over him now tae,i promise.the only reason why i decided to join mr kim is to try and take him down,he had been blackmailing jimin and namjoon.i had to lie to him that i want to help him.although i have to admit kidnapping you was my plan.that day when jimin left the practice room it was because i asked him out,and he said yes but i could see that he didnt really mean it because he loves you taehyung only you.and i dont know what made you follow him but when i found out that mr kim had you in hes captivity i decided to take advantage of it and i did.i'm really sorry for everything.for lieing to you, for forcing you to sleep with jimin and for ruining our friendship" jungkook sighed and looked down

"sorry will never be enough jungkook" i said and broke out into tears again."jin and i lost our child because of you!we had to yearn for eachother for a year jungkook! and the worst part is that i was forced to cheat on him!he wont be able to handle this,thats why i kept quiet.you have ruinied me jungkook,i will never for-"

i was cut off when i saw a hand land across jungkooks cheek.i immediately stood up when i saw the entire hyung line glaring at jungkook angrily.

"jin stop!" i held jins hand when he was about to hit jungkook again.

"why does this always happen to me?" jin sobbed and pulled hes hand out of mine.he glanced at me and stormed out of the bar.i was about to follow him but yoongi stopped me.i just sighed and sat down

"what the fuck jungkook!look what you caused!he's been through enough because of you!" hobi screamed and grabbed jungkooks collar.

"let him go hobi,hes not worth it,lets go before someone films this" yoongi said and left with hobi

"taehyung we came here for the key.we forgot to take a spare house key and you locked up" namjoon said softly.i nodded and handed him the key. "are you coming home with us?"

i shook my head.a part of me wanted to console jin but the other part really wants to sort this issue out once and for all.namjoon nodded and left.

"t-tae" jungkook tried to speak but i really didnt want to hear it

"save it please!wheres jimin?" i asked when i realised that he hadnt come back yet.

"i'll go check on him" jungkook said and got up.why do i feel so pitiful towards these two?they have been so mean to me but i'm the one feeling guilty.but the truth is that i've never done anything wrong,the only reason why i blackmailed jungkook to leave jin in the beginning was not because i loved jin and wanted him all for myself,thats all bullshit.the only reason why i did that was because i could see how possessive jungkook was growing towards jin.it was absolutely unhealthy.poor jin couldnt go out whenever he wanted to,or he couldnt be to close with any of the other members or he would be verbally abused.the saddest part is that jin didnt even realise what was happening ,he used to think that jungkook loved him thats why he acted like that.but im gl-

"tae!! call the ambulance!" my thoughts were cut off when jungkook ran out of the bathroom screaming

"whats wrong?" i asked

"jimin...he cut himself!just call them quick" he screamed and ran back into the bathroom.i quickly dialed 911.


heyyy...its been long...sorry!

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if you dont understand something please ask...i suck at writing so i might not have explained well :(

and i want to know if you guys have any idea which concert this moment happened at....i've been trying to find out for sooo long!!Sorry for the poor picture quality...this is the only picture of this moment that i have....please help me!!this is my fav taejin moment❤️❤️

please help me!!this is my fav taejin moment❤️❤️

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