♠️PART 34

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"Theres no love without forgiveness,and theres no forgiveness without love"

Tae pov

jin and i decided to drop some food off for jungkook at the hospital,i wanted to wait till jimin has regained conciousness but jin insisted so i couldnt refuse.and i have a feeling he isnt telling me something.

"taehyung,can i ask you something?"

"ofcourse jin" i said and looked at him and then back at the road.

"Can you please forgive jungkook and jimin"

"i dont know jin"

"let me finish tae,look i know what they did was completely wrong but i found out why they did this and im not going to tell you because i want you to hear it from them.all i want to say is,it isnt their fault we lost our baby,i didnt lose it because of stress,i had an abortion"

"what?!" I screamed and stopped the car in the middle of the road

"tae!please park the car on the side!" jin screamed over the hooters of the cars behind us,i quickly complied.

"tae please dont hate me please.i couldnt handle it anymore tae.our baby was getting too much of hate,im sorry" jin said and started crying hysterically.i feel so bad for him,hes gone through so much already,i cant be so inhumane and put him through more stress.

"its ok jin,i forgive you.please stop crying" i say and rub hes back gently

"really?" he jolts up and looks at me with red puffy eyes filled with hope

"yes really jin,i cant blame you.but what you did was wrong."

"thank you tae.now lets go" he says and places a soft kiss on my cheek as i start the engine.

couple minutes later we arrive at the hospital.as we walk to the room i try to convince jin to tell me whats going on but he wont say a word! i eventually give up.

"hey guys" jin says and hugs jungkook and...jimin

"you're awake?" I ask and look at jimin who looks fully concious to me.

"y-yeah" jimin says and looks down..

"jungkook lets go get something to drink" jin says and winks at jungkook.i know what hes trying to do.

as soon as they leave the room,i turn to jimin and sit down on the bench at the side of hes bed.

"tae...i mean taehyung,im sor-"

"call me tae,and theres no need to be sorry" i say and put my finger on hes lips "jimin i've heard enough of sorries ,what i really need is the truth,whats going on jimin?"

"tae,this was a whole misunderstanding im so sorry,im sorry because jennie had to lose her life,im sorry because you had to suffer for a year,im sorry because you lost your child all because of me." Jimin said and looked at me with glossy eyes that made me want to cry too "the reason why we did this was really stupid and we should of thought and talked about it thoroughly,but we didnt and so much damage was caused"

"what do you mean?im so lost please elaborate" i say eagerly

"Ok this might confuse you but listen carefully" jimin says and trys to sit up.i help him immediately and then wait for him to continue."jungkook thought i wanted to kidnap you so i could be with you,but that wasnt the case,i wanted to kidnap you so that you could be away from jin and jungkook and jin could have a chance.i know this sounds really confusing and messed up but jungkook and i are in love tae and we didnt know that the feelings was mutual.i always thought he still liked jin and he always thought i was still in love with you.im sorry tae, i really am,all of this is so messed up.we did this just to make each other happy,but infact we were just hurting you and ourselves.jungkook and i were at a point where we were almost dating but i couldnt go on because i thought he still had feelings for jin.we were really dumb tae.can you forgive us?"

i looked at jimin dumbfounded.every word that came out from hes mouth touched me so much

"tae youre my best friend.i know our friendship will never be the same ever again.but we can be friends right?" he said with puffy red eyes and a sad pout.

"we can never be friends jimin....we're soulmates" i sobbed and hugged the life out him.

"so are you guys alright now?" I turned around to see jin and jungkook standing at the door with coffee in their hands

"no,tae you didnt answer my question yet,do you forgive me?" i turn around and look at jimin

"ofcourse i do" i say and smile at him.then i turn to jungkook "i'll forgive you, but i have a condition"

"i will do anything" jungkook says and looks down

"you have to give me a big hug" I say and pout.he runs up to me and hugs me tightly."i missed my little dongsaeng"

"Wow whats going on here?" We break the hug and turn around only to see the rest of the members ate the door looking like lost hamsters.

"hey guys.well i guess we had a little family reunion,want to join?" jin says and the rest of them giggle and come in immediately.it feels like we're a family once again.it feels great to have all the members under the same roof together happily.but namjoon did go overboard a little bit.i mean why did he have to feed jin coffee?!jin has hands of hes own!





I love you all!!!


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