~ Chapter 3 ~

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*BeepBeep -Oh god morning sunshine-*

You wake up pretty early to the sound of your alarm going off, so you could have time to get ready for school, the first thing you start to do is eat breakfast, so you pour yourself a bowl of cereal and make a strawberry banana smoothie, while you watch your favorite Netflix show.

       Once you were done with breakfast you went upstairs brushed your teeth and washed your face, then you got into your school uniform and waited for your brother to get ready.

        Once you were done with breakfast you went upstairs brushed your teeth and washed your face, then you got into your school uniform and waited for your brother to get ready

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*Your school uniform*

You left your house earlier than needed since you were going to pick up Suni and her siblings, Theo and Ara. Theo, Leo and Ara , we're talking about the project they had to work on for school while you and Suni talked about the chemistry test and went over the most important points.

When you got to the "kids" school building they got out of the car, grabbed their bags and waved goodbye, after seeing them walk into the school you drove off to your building. Good thing it was just 5 minutes away that way you could get there early and study some more.

When you got to school you and Suni made your way to home room to see in which period you were going to have your test. Since you two got there pretty early you had time to go over your notes one last time and make sure you knew everything. Chemistry had never been a hard subject for you but you had been missing a lot of lessons lately since you had counseling everyday to make sure you were doing fine.

You see, ever since your anxiety had gotten worse, and you had that anxiety attack in the middle of the pep rally, your parents wanted to make sure that you were well taken care of at all times so in the mornings you went to counseling at school and every Wednesday in the afternoon you went to a therapist.

        You really you had no complaints about it though, since it really was helping. Your sessions had gotten shorter since the beginning of the year because you were making such good progress which made you feel happy. It also meant you could miss some classes without getting scolded.


That's was the way of knowing it was next period. You had Algebra as your second period, but that day your teacher was sick so a substitute came in and gave you 5 problems to solve when you got yours you thought ' I think she gave us the wrong problems, Mr.Clark would have never given us such an easy task* '

        But you weren't going to be the one to tell her that, in fact no one did, so when y'all finished the problems before class ended she let you leave early, which gave you time to eat lunch outside of school, which to you meant eating Chick-Fil-A.

You left school and got to Chick-Fil-A, you decided to go through the drive-through so it would be faster. You order your usual and went to the next window to pick up and pay for the food. Once you got everything and where done paying you went back to school where you meet Suni at the bleachers.

You had been eating there ever since you can remember and that was because of the soccer field in front of them, not because of the hot sweaty boys if that's what you were thinking, but because you and Suni first met through a soccer camp so the sport was a big part of your friendship and both of your lives. It was always something you guys could always bond with.

        After you're done with your food you throw away the trash and head to your chemistry classroom for the test, when you're about to get to your classroom Suni asked you how the audition was going and right when you were about to answer you heard someone laughing behind you.

"You really think you can pass an audition" Ashley ,your high school enemie, said laughing "the only thing you're good at is crying I mean you proved that at the rally last month and I guess you're ok at sports, but dancing , no" her friends started to laugh but before she could leave you told her "Just because you didn't make the soccer team but made the cheer team ,doesn't make you a better dancer after all you're in charge of guiding cheers not actual dances" right when you finished the teacher called you into the classroom so you left her without letting her respond.

        While you were taking your test you keep thinking of what Ashley said I mean you never cared what she said but this time was different      ' was it because you hadn't dance in a while or just because you were already anxious because of the test ' either way you shook that idea off and finished the test. To your surprise , not really, you were the first to finish, so you were excused from the classroom.

        You made your way to your counselors office so you could use the free time and not waste any class time later on the day.You also knew that Suni would take some time to finish she always made sure that she had put down everything she knew, while you only did what came to mind at that time.

        You told her all about the audition and she was really excited for you, she knew how much you loved stray kids and dancing so it was just a perfect opportunity for you but of course she has some worries "What if this is too much pressure for you, I mean right now your going through exams and also soccer semi finals" she let that soak through to your head ' is it too much? ' you asked yourself but you shook your head and answered Miss.Courtney "I don't think it is, it's actually making me feel more productive and finish homework and chores quicker" you said excitedly. "That's nice to hear, well anyways you should get going to your next class" you grabbed your backpack and got up right as the bell rang.

        "Thank you, Miss.Courtney have a great day" you said waving your hand goodbye and closing the door behind you. You walked to your locker where you saw Suni and waved at her, you got your books and headed to your next class.

——— TIME SKIP ———

        You get out of your last class and go straight to soccer practice.You practiced some plays and played against the boys team for 10 min, since they got there early, you tied scoring 1 to 1, after practice most of the team went out for ice cream (you guys did this every practice before a home game).

        Everyone left the parlor,so you went home and quickly showered since you had to do some homework and also go practice the choreography for a bit, you were just planning on going for half an hour since you already had a pretty heavy workout during soccer practice.

——— TIME SKIP ———

        You finished your homework, and packed a snack so that after you practiced the dance you wouldn't feel hungry.

        You left for the studio and stayed there for about 40 min, once you were done you went back home and on the ride home you ate your snack while bopping to some music.

        You took a quick body shower to wash your sweat off and had dinner with your family, after dinner you were exhausted so you went to sleep at about 12 pm. This time the thought of the audition didn't even enter your mind and you had a good night worth of sleep.

*1304 words*

        I'm not sure if I like like how this chapter turned out but I hope you liked it, this is longer than the others i think i like this format more but what do you think?? Let's pretend chick-fil-a is not homophobic here. Stay happy and healthy ily <3

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