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Yoongi POV

As I woke up I saw a white ceiling 'where am I ? ' I thought to myself when I sat on the bed a lady came in the room " oh ! You are awake? " she asked me " u-uh where am I ? I asked " you are at the nurse office " she said I got confused because I knew that I fainted but not at the nurse office .

"Uhm..u-uh how I got here ?"
"Oh that namjoon kid bought you here " she said
I sat there in shock namjoon!? She means Kim namjoon?! He was the one who beat and now he is the one to bring me here ?! I am confused..... I looked down

" Is anything wrong yoongi ?" She asked
" oh no ! " I said
" oh ohk so um yoongi how are you feeling ?!"
" I am feeling good now thank you for treating me !" I said with a smile she smiled at me
" oh and I bandaged the cuts on your arm as well they were bleeding a bit by the way how you had cuts on your arm ?" she asked suddenly
I looked at her shocked panic took over and I stuttered " u-uh nothing I j-j-ust got in a ac-cident I m-mean I got c-cuts due to running I-into sharp object " I said (LOl XD what the hell I am writing ? )
She looked at me with questioning look but said "OK?"
" I will go to my next class thank you once again " I said and was about to get up
" NO!NO! Wait your wounds are quite deep and you need to rest and who ever did this I don't know but I called your mom so she can take you home and you can have rest I already talked to the principal he said you can go and rest your mom will be here soon " she said I looked at her in Panic
'NO! If mom comes to know she will kill me NO! ' I thought
"Why you called her?" I asked voice cracking
" huh? " she exclaimed
" I could have gone home by my own " I said and held my tears
" ???" She looks at me confusingly
she then left as she got a call
I sat there thinking of worst about what would mom do actually my mom doesn't know that I am bullied because I would hide the bruise and wound by covering it by makeup or with long sleeved cloth I am really scared and crying silently by now ....

Yoongi mom POv

I was at work and suddenly I got a call I picked it up and it was from school it the nurse she said me that yoongi had been beaten and is at nurse office so to take him she called me. I was shocked I directly took a cab and went towards his school I was scared for him however I maybe but I am a mother at least I care a bit for him even if I don't behave nicely to him after thinking about yesterdays matter I am sorry for him I was wrong I know I should not behave Like that....

I reached yoongi's school and rushed to the nurse office I went there and was met with the nurse I filled the form for letting me take yoongi home and she said me to go in as yoongi was in I went and saw yoongi head on his knees legs close to leg

"Yoongi" I called calmly
He looked up and was probably scared and there was tear in his eyes .
" I a-am sorry m-m-mom it will not h-happen again" he stuttered I walked up to him and he backed up he looked down and I hugged him his body tensed but soon relaxed " yoongi dear I am really sorry baby for what I did or said to you till now I am really sorry I came to know my mistake I hope you forgive me baby " I hugged tear in my eyes
" I-its OK mom I a-am sorry " he said I looked at him confusingly
" why are you sorry yoon ?" I asked
"Due to me you and dad separated I should have never confessed to both of you that I was gay I am sorry " he sobbed I hugged him tighter and said " no its not don't be sorry that bastard was a idiot I am happy I left him now I know my real happiness lie within you yoon I sorry" I said " but yoongi who did this ?" I asked " o-oh its nothing I just fell down the stair " he said I know he is leing but thought of asking when we go home "OK let's go home " I said and he smiled

* time skip *

We reached home and I told yoongi to go and rest and made him something to eat I decided to stay home today as I was done making the food I sighed I hope things change now I smiled and took the food to yoongi's room we eat together and had a great day spending time with each other I missed my dear yoon :)


Yoongi and his mom are now in good term !! Hope life gets better with yoongi now :)
I know the chp was not that good but
Hope you like it ✨

Sorry for late updates as I said assignment and home works are killing me Mann!

Anyway hope you all like it
Stay home stay safe 💜🖤

Word= 930

Have a grt day

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