10| Clarke

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We were in the car, driving over to Bellamys little appartment for a Sunday brunch, I was a little nervous because today was the first day we were meeting his new girlfriend. And well, Bellamy always brought home the freaky girls. No one was ever good enough for him, and we always fight over it. So, Im really hoping this girl is somewhat normal.

"You think she's gonna have blue hair or pink hair?" Lincoln glances over at me from the drivers seat with a smirk. I hold back my laugh and squint at him, giving him a little smack. "Ugh stop, I can't deal with anyone less that normal. I just want him to be happy." I sigh out, turning my head to glance out the window, praying this goes well.

We got to his place and walked up, knocking on the door before just walking in. "Hellooo." I call out, closing the door behind Lincoln. "Hey." Bellamy comes over, a smile on his face as he hugs me then steps back to look at me. "Damn, you're getting bigger everyday." He chuckles, placing a hand on my stomach for a moment before I roll my eyes playfully. He then says Hi to Lincoln and we walk to the kitchen to help him finish setting up the table. "So when's Clarke getting here. Im excited to meet her." I smile and then hear Lincoln snarl behind me. I frown and whack him. "Ouch!" He cries out, Bellamy just chuckles and shakes his head. "She'll be here soon." He tells us and I turn back to him with a smile. "Great!" I glare at Lincoln and he just shrugs with a smirky smile.

I finished placing out the fruit bowls when finally, there was a knock at the door. I sucked in breath and glanced my head back, bracing myself as my older brother opened the door. I was kinda shocked, she was normal looking. She was pretty even, really pretty, not that the girls he usually dated weren't because they were, they were just a little... much. The petite blonde walked in and Bellamy greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. I noticed her cheeks grow rosy and it made me smile. I walked over with Lincoln and she immediatley smiled. "Hi! wow, you look so much like your brother it's crazy." She laughed a little. "Its so nice to finally meet you, Im Clarke." She holds out her hand for me to shake. "Its nice to meet you too." I take her hand and then glance over to Lincoln. "This is Lincoln." I introduce and she smiles and shakes his hand as well.

Surprisingly, the brunch went good. Clarke was way more pleasant than I expected and Bellamy seemed happy with her. His smile was genuine and his eyes lit up which made me happy. After we all finished eating, I began to clean up. And without any question Clarke stood up too and began to help me. I smiled and turned my head over to her. "Thanks." I spoke genuinely. "You don't have to thank me, I should be thanking you. This brunch was amazing and I really enjoyed meeting you today." She began to rinse the dishes and put them in the dish washer. "I enjoyed this too." I confessed.


I had work that night, my first night shift in a while. I forgot how busy the ER was after midnight. People got into lots of situations after dark. I was finally with my last patient downstairs, a teenage girl who cut her arm open on a street sign- that she was attempting to steal with her friends, though they managed to run off when they heard the police car. "So, why did you want to steal a stop sign anyways?" I asked curiously. The young girl, maybe 17 rose her eyebrow like I'd never understand. "Just for fun, my friends and I, we like to see who can be the craziest I guess.." She shrugged. "they're your friends? The people that left you there to get caught and not to mention hurt." I finished the last stitch before looking up to her. "Maybe you should find some new friends." I suggested but she only rolled her eyes and stood up walking away from me. "Okay. I guess that's the last time I give a teenage girl advice." I shake my head trying to remember if I was like that at 17, and well Im sure I was.

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