Chapter 9: The Miscellaneous Club

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The day of detention was strange.

Even for wizarding standards.

But something told Harry that this was normal when Professor Black was involved.

In fact, questioning the individual flying paper planes given to each of his fellow detention buddies was actually quite soothing.

Hermione opened hers, "To Miss Hermione Granger, detention will be served at exactly 5 o'clock p.m. in the fifth floor, north corridor, third classroom on the left, from Professor Regulus Black," She read out loud.

Harry, Ron, and Neville followed suite in opening there's to read the same thing.

"Wait, there's a fifth floor?!?" Neville said looking around in worry.

The classroom was big. Probably half the size of the Great Hall if he guessed, with big windows, bookshelves, chalkboards, and practice dummies.

Tables and chairs placed in groups near the walls.

There were students that were sitting and doing there work, others that were helping other students learn new spells, some where playing games, while others where brewing up a potion or two.

And then there were students that looked like they were planning murder; and surprisingly not, two of those students took notice of them and started to walk over.

"Trick you didn't he?" Fred said looking at the four perplexed students.

"Don't feel to bad, he did the same to us," George said giving Ron a pat on the back.

"Welcome to The Miscellaneous Club," They said in unison as they gave the kids a cheeky grin.

"I'm confused?" Neville said looking around the room.

"The Miscellaneous Club? I've never heard of it before?" Hermione question the twins, although her attention was slowly making its way to the pretty and large books on the shelves that she didn't recognize.

"It's the name the students gave."

"Not really a real club."

"But when Professor Black sees that a student has trouble."

"School or Personal."

"Physical or Mental."

"He takes them here."

"And helps us."

"But I don't understand? What are we suppose to do?" Harry asked looking at the odd collection of students.

"Learn, Teach, Practice, Create."

"Most students take advantage of it and enjoy themselves."

"You'll do yourself good in looking around," The twins said as that's exactly what they did.

Harry found himself grouped learning charms by a Ravenclaw fourth year.

Neville found himself admiring blue glowing plants by a far left window.

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