Chapter 4: "Maybe this town will be okay to us someday after all."

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"His name is hayate gekko."

'Hayate gekko.. I think I've heard that name before.'  "Do know him Kerenai Kerenai sensei?" "Not that I'm aware of.  Of course he's been in your shop,aside from that I don't knwo if you'll know him." "Huh. Weird. Names farmilliar." "He will be on of the ninja hosting the chunin exams next month. Speaking of which ,are you training?" "Of course I am! A couple days ago dad taught me a new mind transfer technique!" Kerenai smiled sweetly. "That's wonderful Ino! I'm exited to see you fight. I would help you train, but that wouldn't be fair to my students." Ino playfully rolled her eyes. "Of course! We're all competing after all." 

"Asuma sensei is training me well too! He's really awesome. I'm acually really exited for the exams, I'm gonna kick Sakura's butt!" Kerenai laughed playfully, endorsing Ino's childish youthful antics of teen rivalry. "Well, you better head off. It's  getting late. Wouldn't want your father worried about you." "Of course! Lost track of time." Ino gave Kerenai a big bear hug and left, heading home. 


Ino walked the long road of konoha, taking in the dark cloudless noon sky. The clouds were beautiful. They truly reminded of Gypsophila inzignia,a flower that strongly sembles a could. Its ofter refereed to as 'the cloud flower'.She chuckled to herself. Thinking about how much shikamaru must hate the cloudless sky, oh how he loved clouds.   Ino sometimes understood his sentiment of wanting to Ben one. Especially lately she understood. She understood just wanting to drift in the wind,careless,weightless. No stress,just existence.

She made it home physically and mentally exhausted. She dragged herself trough the shop and up the stairs to the upstairs apartment. Exhausted she dropped her bags in her room and walked over to her dads room. 'He's not home yet... long interrogation or something I guess...' she opened the window letting in the cool summer night air. She felt weak and let herself flop onto her fathers large bed. She quickly fell asleep surrounded in the familiar nostalgic bed she grew to love after many nights of sleeping in that bed as a child.


She woke to a familiar comforting warmth. She tossed and turned trying to wake up. "good morning Ino." "G'mornin dad.." "How'd you sleep?" "..... Kay.." "just Okay daisy?" "Yes.."  they cuddled in silence. "Missed this.." "this?" "Yeah dad.. cuddling you. In this bed.." Inoichi chuckled. "Me too. You'll always be my little girl daisy. All Right?" She giggled. "Yes dad. But.. I'm not a kid anymore!" "You'll alway be a kid to me." She mentally said 'no.' But kept silent about it. "what time is dad?" "Uhh..." he turned over looking at a clock on the wall. "Uh.. 10:00am." "SHIT!" "What do you just say missy?!" "S-Sorry! It's just a bit late." "It's our off day kiddo. I need to catch up on sleep.we could hang out if you want?" "I'd love that dad but I already had plans!" She rolled out of bed hobbling out of the room to the bathroom. "GRABBING A SHOWERS DAD!!!" "YOU CANT CATCH FALLING WATER INO!!" Ino groaned at her dads joke. "Right on dad, keep being a hyacinthus." he laughed. One of the many meaning's of hyacinthus is playfulness. Ino found the hyacinthus flower discibed her dad well, despair and playfulness. That's mostly ever what she saw of him.

She quickly showered in cold water and threw on her usual outfit. She grabbed her bag and emptied it. She put the notebook back in, along with the note along with. She threw in some food pills,kunai,basic medical supplies, and a big bottle of water. 'Is that everything?.. I should be fine.' She heads to the kitchen, with the smell of breakfast drawing her in. "Goodbye dad!" "Wait! Hold on!Don't you want breakfast?" "No time." "Hold on, ill grab you something for the road!" She was anxiously waiting at the door. He handed her two bento boxes and a bag of sweets. "T-tWO BENTO BOXES??WHAT?!" 

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