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Welcome back everyone! Sorry, I know it was a long break for me but I'm here now. Hope you all enjoy the chapter, but please don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT.
This chapter will be a little bit STEAMY. You've been warned.


The snow was falling heavily around me, casting a delicate blanket over me as I lied on the ground. I lied on the snow-covered ground, blinking whenever flurries would land on my lashes or god forbid, in my eyes.

Though most people would find it strange to see a girl just lying out in the snow, I didn't care. I didn't care about any of their opinions. The only thing that mattered to me was that the snow was making me happy.

I stared up at the almost white sky, feeling as if I was staring into nothing. While I stared at the sky, I thought about Kailen and how far we'd come. Sure, there was still some awkwardness in some places, and sure we could try and communicate more, but I was relieved at where we were.

And even though everything was still going good, I still occasionally wanted to run. I wanted to run as far as I could, to protect myself, to keep myself alive. I still had this belief that I was the only one who could keep me safe.

I pushed away those thoughts whenever they came around though. I didn't need my years of previous trauma to ruin the one good thing I had in this life. But running would probably always be in the back of my mind. It's how my brain was programmed since birth. It's how my twin brother and I grew up.

As the thought of the only family I had left popped up, I wondered where he was. I wondered if he was even still alive. Last I checked, he was. But things could change in the blink of an eye.

His name was Ethan. We both had the same last name, which was Becklemburg. However, before we were even five, we both agreed on abandoning that name the day our parents left us.

Now they didn't willingly leave us, since they were killed, but we were both so young when they died, that their deaths didn't really mean anything to us. It sounded cruel, but it was only the truth.

Anyways, someday I would try to find Ethan, or at least find out what happened to him. I wanted Ethan to be alive, since we were so close before my death. However, I would move on even if he wasn't alive. It was one of my special talents.

My attention was pulled back to the sound of my phone vibrating, and I pulled it out to see a text from Kailen. He was asking me to come see him for a bit, since he had barely seen me these past couple of days.

And it was true, I hadn't been spending a lot of time with him ever since the incident with Grace. For some reason, what happened to her really put me on edge—It made me angry that anyone would have to go through that. And because of this, I stayed away from Kailen. I didn't wanna snap at him.

But I was much more calm now.

So I stood up from the ground, and stretched out my legs for a brief second. I shook the snow off of my legs and jacket, before I headed towards the house.

Thankfully I hadn't gone too far, so the house was only a few minutes away. Normally I went as far as I could, sometimes even to the very edge of the pack lands. There were times when I wanted to go even farther than that, but I knew the dangers of that.

That was unmarked territory, and who knew what was out there. There could be rogues, or outcasted alphas, or hell even other creatures could be out there.

I didn't want to test it just yet. I needed to see Kailen for a bit first.

I looked at the house which Kailen was in, growing even more excited when I picked up his scent. It was intoxicatingly delicious, and it drove me up a wall. I couldn't stay away from him any longer. It was hard not being around my mate, so knowing I was going to see him made me ecstatic.

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