Chapter 8: Stopping the shadow now!

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The Pony of Shadows led out an massive blue energy beam that shook the earth and shot the clouds out of the sky. "Spider-Tsundere what's happening?" Prinicpal Celestia asked. "Somehow I'm getting extreme ratings, hate, seismic activity."

"The pony of Shadows is using that stone he's been ranting about." Spider-Tsundere said. "He must've hid it to earth along with that fractured piece of him. And it looks like it's going to tear the planet apart. I'm gonna waiting to find out." Spider-Tsundere turned to Rainbow Dash. "Alright pride girl, let's take that monster down!"

"It's about damn time!" Rainbow Dash said. "Hey ugly!" She yelled at the Pony of Shadows as Spider-Tsundere shot some impact webs at the shadow substance. It caused no effect and it launched it tendrils at the girls. They managed to dodge the tendrils attacks. "Celestia! What's the reading- AH!" Spider-Tsundere got hit by one of the tendrils.

"Spider-Tsundere, you have to get out of there. The seismic activity is increasing." Principal Celestia said. "He's going to cause a massive earthquake!"

"No! I won't let that happen. Right now me and Rainbow Dash are the only ones that can stop it." Spider-Tsundere said as she grabs two metal logs and threw them at the Pony of Shadows tendrils. Then the Pony of Shadows used its horn to levitate the objects surrounding it and threw them at Spider-Tsundere and Rainbow Dash. The girls managed to dodged the debris being charged at them until they got thrown by the tendrils coming from underground and grabbing them by the legs. They were thrown at some powered off fan generators and Spider-Tsundere managed to get up a little and she turned her head and sees an electric breaker. She suddenly got an idea. "Celestia, I got it! The Pony of Shadows is mostly composed of the synthetic shadow you created. It's gotta be like... 75% of it. So I knew it's weakness. Electricity!"

"That can't be. Electricity only damaged the suit during your fight with Voltage." Principal Celestia said.

"But it didn't react to my electrical venom. And with a massive amount of that type of pressure, perhaps me and Rainbow Dash can blow the Shadow Pony for good!" Spider-Tsundere said. "Rainbow Dash I got an idea."

"Well I'm out of idea so lay it on me." Rainbow Dash said.

"According to the school's CHS's history, your necklace gave you the power of super speed right?" Spider-Tsundere asked.

"How'd you know that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I read the records and detective skills. It's like my own personal intelligence." Spider-Tsundere said. "But that's not important. Listen. If anything, you can run with enough speed to create a sonic boom, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's like a sonic rainboom." Rainbow Dash said.

"Good. I'll need you to carry while your running with all the speed you have to create a sonic boom." Spider-Tsundere said. "And I will amplified my venom to your speed and that will created..."

"...An electrical sonic rainboom!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Exactly! We can created an electric tornado that will blow the Pony of Shadows to smithereens once and for all!" Spider-Tsundere said.

"Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash said as she fist bumps Spider-Tsundere.

2 minutes later...

"Spider-Tsundere, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Rainbow Dash and I are confident this could work." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Confident?" Principal Celestia asked. "Would you bet your lives on this."

"Aw yeah principal." Rainbow Dash said. "Just watch us. It's hero time!"

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