Chapter 10: Deadly Shark

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Tigershark was rampaging through Canterlot City until he reached a movie studio and uploaded the USB stick to to the main computer to figure out what it is all about. "If the Cabal are right, this may hold to key to the secret power this pathetic city holds, and it will be mine!" He said to himself.

"Don't count on it Sharkboy!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Give us back the stick Tigershark or else?" Spider-Guardian said.

"Or else what?" Tigershark asked. "You surface dwellers don't scare me. I'll have you all for lunch!"

"Not if we cook you first sushi!" Spider-Tsundere said.

"You talked a big game little girl. Let's see what you got against the likes of me!" Tigershark got into a fighting stance.

Everyone charged at Tigershark and tried to avoid his sharp claws and razor sharp teeth

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Everyone charged at Tigershark and tried to avoid his sharp claws and razor sharp teeth. Starlight fights from a distance, trying to get the upper hand while Tigershark was distracted. Spider-Tsundere managed to land a few punches at Tigershark and then swinged her arms at his back shoulders. But all Tigershark can do is smile as he grabbed Spider-Tsundere and threw her to the wall. Spider-Tsundere landed at the side of the wall and the impact hurt her. Rainbow Dash ran as fast as she can at Tigershark, landing in a few blows to the face. But Tigershark thought fast and managed to grab Rainbow by her wings and threw her up to where Starlight Glimmer was, and both Rainbow and Starlight fell to the floor. Spider-Guardain blasted Tigershark with her energy webbing as she charges and fights the creature with her close combat range of skill. But then Tigershark slashed Spider-Guardian's face, and it was painful! Then Tigershark threw a massive uppercut that flew Spider-Guardian up in the air as she fell on a stage set. Tigershark let out a maniacal laugh as Spider-Tsundere was getting back up and walking towards Tigershark as he was preparing to bite Spider-Guardian first. "Monster!" She said.

Tigershark turned his head as he sees Spider-Tsundere up and about. "What's a matter?" He asked sarcastically.

"I lost her once, I won't lose her again. So take your freaking away from my mom you damn dirty fish!" Spider-Tsundere said.

"Aw... Isn't that just so sweet." Tigershark said. "Don't worry, I'll start with you as a snack."

Spider-Tsundere's eyes turned purple as she charges at Tigershark like a wild monster. She uppercut Tigershark and slammed his body with her feet to the floor. Then she throw web lines at his torso. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" She yelled. Rainbow got back up as she hears Spider-Tsundere call her. "Go long!" She threw Tigershark in the air, letting Rainbow Dash to run up and give him a sonic Rainboom punch! And Spider-Tsundere leaped in the air, and slams Tigershark back to the ground again with her venom shocker punch. "Presto, your defeated." Spider-Tsundere said as she walked to the main computer and take the USB stick out. "I'll be taking that thank you.

"Phew, that was close. I can't believe we fought an actual shark theme supervillain." Rainbow Dash said.

"I guess this is sorta like a dream come true to you." Spider-Guardian said.

"Pretty much." Starlight said.

"So dudes, what do we do with this shark fellow."

"I'll take it from here." A voice said.

The 4 girls turned their heads as they see a man with weird looking wings on his feet walking towards them. "Who are you?"

"My name is Namor, King of Atlantis

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"My name is Namor, King of Atlantis. The surface world like you, call me the Sub-Mariner."

"I've heard of you. Your what they call the first mutant." Rainbow Dash said. "So what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I've been following Tigershark here ever since he escape from his prison in Atlantis, but he occupied me with his minions and I lost direction of his location." Namor said. "But I managed to pick it up after after my communicator was fixed, so I rushed to this city where he was in. And thanks to you, you saved me the trouble of fighting him again." Namor gave the girls a solemn bow. "Thank you for your assistance on taking down my enemy."

"The credit should go to Rainbow Dash and Spider-Tsundere. They're the ones that took down Tigershark." Starlight Glimmer said as she points at them.

Namor walked up to the two girls. "Tha k you very much Rainbow Dash, Spider-Tsundere." Namor said a she bows. "I see you are a spider as well, just like Spider-Man."

"I never met him." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Someday you will." Namor said. "But again. Thank you for defeating Tigershark. The 4 of you are welcomed to my kingdom of Atlantis anytime." He grabbed Tigershark and placed him his shoulder. "Now I must go back to my kingdom and bring Tigershark back in his cell where he belongs. Farewell."

"Goodbye your majesty." Everyone said as they waved their hands as Namor flapped his wing feet.


"Good idea using your electricity power to quickly charged Sunset's phone Isabelle." Starlight said. "Thanks."

"No problem. Now let's see that message that this Sunset Shimmer girl wanted to give to Dashie here." Isabelle said.

"You call me Dashie?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well yeah, don't your friends call you that?" Isabelle asked.

"Well yeah." Rainbow Dash said.

"And that's why I call you Dashie. Your my friend." Isabelle said.

"Huh. Thanks." Rainbow Dash fist bumps Isabelle as a sign of friendship.

"Okay girls shhh... Let's see the message." Penelope said.

The phone started activating the video. "Rainbow Dash, it's me. Sunset Shimmer. Listen to me, I have an urgent message you and I couldn't send it in time cause it's too much memory, but it's very important you get this because... A creature known as the Pony of Shadows is coming to Earth. Rainbow Dash, you, Applejack, and Wallflower are the only ones strong enough to face this evil. Find some allies. Try to call the other girls if you get the chance. Cause... I won't be able to come back to Earth to help. Starlight has told me about the Pony of Shadows, but this one is different. He seems to come from a nightmare dimension. And he's coming to Earth for you. You and whoever else is capable of fighting are the only hope left." Sunset said. "Okay Starlight, find Rainbow Dash, and if you can't, find Applejack. No distractions alright?"

"Loud and clear." Starlight said. But Sunset pushed Starlight into the portal as she got taken over by a shadow with a green sure around it.

Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Penelope and Isabelle were in shock. "A shadow invasion is coming. And by far, we are the earth's only defense!" Isabelle said.

To be continued...

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