Chapter Eleven

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Gaëtano's Sword

White stone surrounded the city in a thirty-foot-tall wall with towers placed in strategic positions on top, and white stone covered the roads, giving a reason for the city's nickname. They had passed over the impressive, white stone bridge, and through the towering archway of the gate, down the road towards the center. This road was wide, allowing much traffic to pass by, and on their right was farmland, butcheries, and lumber houses, while on their left were fisheries, blacksmiths, and carpentries. They walked along the path, looking around in awe at the expansive number of people and buildings in such a small stretch of land. The citizens of the city took no notice of them however, and it seemed perfectly normal that they would have a pet wolf following them. They hadn't even gotten to the center of town, where one could see each section of the city meeting, and the grand Palace rising in the center. The Rider turned to them suddenly and stopped them in their tracks.

"I forgot to mention that Falkaway is assembling a banquet in your honor within the palace, since he is a good friend of His Highness. He will not be available to speak to you for now, but I'm sure you will be reacquainted soon enough. I ask you all now to please make yourselves busy while the preparations are being made for your arrival. You will be called well before hand if you wish to change into more fashionable clothes. Be free to wander the streets and go wherever you please, if only to stay within these walls." They all lit up with this invitation and were about to scatter when the Rider pointed at Chris, "you, however, I ask that you come with me. I think His Highness will want to meet you."

"Why does he get to meet the King now and we don't?" Charlotte complained.

"Steward," Freddy corrected her.

"What?" She snapped.

"According to the city's history, after the Untold War, the people celebrated Gaëtano's surprising victory and crowned him King. However, sometime in the twenty years after the coronation, he suddenly disappeared, leaving the city without a King, and the Raesifiin Empire without an Emperor."

"You're telling me this whole time I've been living in this Empire; we've had no leader?"

"The Steward acts as Emperor for now, and he will command your respect as such," the Rider quieted their discussion. "You will meet the Steward in time for the banquet, but for now, he only requires the presence of Chris. In the meantime, I'm sure you may find interest somewhere in the citadel."

"It's okay, I'll go with you," Chris said, and turned to Skylar and whispered something to her. There was a small interaction between the two, and then Chris turned again and nodded to the Rider. The others watched as Chris followed the man, and soon began to filter out into the city to find whatever it was that fancied them.

The Royal Palace was surrounded by a wide circular road which connected to all the other roads of the city, and inside were gardens and fountains, and at the front of the palace was another smaller roundabout where carriages could stop and passengers could enter through the wide doors. A high staircase led them to the terrace which the Palace stood upon, and the guards watched them as they passed through the doors.

The Rider walked in a brisk pace, his fur lined cloak floating behind him. Two swords settled on his belt, and he wore full leather armor, cured, and thickened. On his neck, he wore a golden medal with an amethyst in the center. His tanned face was partially covered by his hood, but what was clearly discernable was that he had two colored eyes, one purple, and the other, white, and a scar ran from the brow above it to the cheekbone below.

Their boots clicked on the polished marble floor, approaching the throne. The main throne was empty, but on a smaller one to the left was a man speaking to one of the guards. Once the Steward noticed their approach, however, he dismissed his man and stood to welcome them.

"Argon! This is a surprise. I thought I asked for the group to be accommodated until everything was in order for tonight."

Argon bowed and waved Chris forward. "I thought it best that you meet this man right away, sir."

The Steward turned to Chris with an absent smile. Chris suddenly remembered to fall on his knees and kiss the Steward's hand. "Christopher Lumen, at your service, sir."

"Show him your sword," Argon said suddenly.

Chris obeyed, though curious as to why. The Steward gazed at the sword that Chris held level between his hands. At first, he was smiling, like it was a good joke, then became serious when both Chris and Argon stayed straight-faced.

"What is this?" The Steward asked, almost irritated.

"You know exactly what it is," Argon said, matter-of-factly. "It's his father's."

The Steward stared at Chris. "Your father's?"

"He gave it to me. I don't understand, what does this mean?"

"Do you know what that sword is?"

"What do you mean?"

"The General known as Gaëtano used it to push the enemy back into the mountains," Argon answered. "It is the King's sword."

"King? No, you must be mistaken," Chris shook his head.

"I am not. I was standing next to Gaëtano when he sent his brilliant Light into the enemy's eyes. I'd know that sword anywhere."

The Steward chuckled again, as if this was all a smart prank. "Perhaps it is a fake, or perhaps your father stole it."

"My father would never!", "It is not a fake." Chris and Argon retorted in unison.

"Listen," Chris said, "I don't know what's going on, but I didn't come here to take the throne. It's just a sword, nothing more. There is something else that we found on our journey, and I was hoping you'd know a good place to store it."

"What is it, son?" The Steward, happy to know his position as acting Emperor was safe. Chris produced the gem from his pack. The Steward was visibly confused, but Argon stood in wonder.

"Where did you get that?" He asked.

"In the forest, from the Giant King in the Hidden Palace." The Steward guffawed at such a wild tale. Everyone knew those were just myths. But Argon seemed to believe him.

"I know of a place to keep that safe," Argon held out his hand. The Steward suddenly looked at the shimmering gem with greedy eyes, and Chris knew this was the best course of action. He gave Argon the gem, who immediately hid it within his cloak. He turned, briskly bowed at the Steward, then paced down the hall.

"Strange man, that. Well, Chris, it has been a pleasure, and I hope we will meet again tonight." Chris bowed and took his leave.

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