Chapter Twenty

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A Clash of Armies

Deep within the cavern walls where the darkness was thick, and the rocks were as black as obsidian, a city was hidden. Low lying stalagmites formed into buildings were clustered along the floor. The city of Draekonis was lit with eerie soft lights against the blackness of the shadows and rock. Wandering the streets, strange creatures went on with their daily routines.

These creatures were the Draekiins, a race mixed with man and dragon. They stood in the posture of a man and had almost identical skeletal structure, but they each had long, powerful tails and a dragon-like face and features. Scales covered their skin, spikes lined their spine, and their hands and feet ended in claws. Right below their shoulder blades, sprouted wings, though the common Draekiin have their wings clipped when they are young. Their reptilian faces were angular and elongated into a snout with powerful jaws which held numerous sharp teeth. Upon their heads were two distinct horns, which curved or twisted in unique ways.

The population of the Draekiins stretched throughout the expanse of the city, which turned and curved, rose, and fell. At the west side of the city, there was a clear path from the rest of the cavern room into the poorest part of Draekonis. At the south side, there was a main entrance with a bell tower looking out towards the passage leading out into the Cavern Expanse. Near the north and east point of Draekonis, there was a large cliff that acted as a wall or barrier. Against that barrier on the highest point of the city was a menacing Fortress, which looked out at the city below.

Upon the balcony of the Fortress stood Mehnkahei, watching his subjects move like ants through his city. It was common knowledge that Mehnkahei was the most powerful and most deadly of all the Draekiins. He had a massive figure, two feet taller than the average Draekiin, with toned muscles throughout his body. His skin was lined with dark blue scales that shimmered black, and two massive bat-like wings sprouted from his back.

The presence of wings and his massive size weren't the only things that singled him out from the other Draekiins, however. His face was that of a man's. It was angular and fierce, but a man's, nonetheless. And above his head, poking through navy hair, were two horns. His eyes glowed an eerie red, and a slight black mist surrounded his body. He was some twisted mix of man and Draekiin.

As he was surveying his city below, he noticed a suspicious Draekiin sneaking into a building that had been closed off to the public.


A familiar Draekiin entered the deserted building, closing the door gently behind him. Only, the building wasn't deserted. Many clansmen of the Draekiins surrounded the tables waiting for their orders, wearing the blue and white armor of the Tijians. Jason smiled at the number of participants, knowing that each clansman would have at least ten men waiting for their command. With Jason's help and persuasion, these Draekiins had realized the tyranny of Mehnkahei and were ready for a revolt. Jason was here to tell them it was beginning.

The rest of the city went on with business as usual, unconcerned with the hidden army that was making its way towards the gate. The guards from the tower of the gate soon spotted the Tijian army as they approached, swords in hand, and ranks of shining armor. A bell rang from the tower, calling for the army of the Draekiins to be assembled, and immediately, the city was rife with chaos. Draekiins were dropping what they were doing, quickly donning their armor, and taking out their swords, ready for battle. The children had run into their homes for cover, but both women and men joined the ranks.

Tijians lined up behind the Draekiin gate, watching as the Draekiins filed into order. Soon, the army of Draekiins doubled that of the Tijians. There had been no hope for a surprise attack from the front, so Chris waited on top of his horse to begin the attack. He watched in horror as the enemy moved quickly, their numbers covering the city like ants. Towering over the city upon the Fortress was Mehnkahei, who was grinning down at them, with the knowledge that their efforts would be in vain.

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