Chapter Fourteen

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Returning to the Earth

Fang&Kim connect

Gaping like a maw, teeth made from stones and stalagmites, the cave threatened to swallow them as they entered. Plinking from the moisture dropping from the stalagmites to the puddles on the ground echoed within the expanse. The wind blew like air over an open bottle, and none of the companions were able to break the tense silence. It was like they had entered the Deep Forest all over again, terrified of what was hiding in the shadows, with people they were unsure of trusting. Bats scattered, startling them, and iguanas skittered over the rocks, creating the image of moving walls. It was getting late, and soon their imaginations would get the better of them. They silently agreed to make camp and found what timber they could to make a fire. Vikki set up the alarm system almost immediately and went to scout out the room.

They had been given some provisions from the Steward and were nibbling on a small portion of their share. Eventually, Skylar was able to shake away the awkward silence, with her crazy plans for her PMT. They listened intently, curious once again to what kinds of gadgets she had hidden in her pack, but she said they'd most likely see them in action at some point, and so wouldn't pass up the chance to surprise them.

Once they were all good and relaxed again, Freddy shared what limited knowledge he had of the Cavern Expanse and drew a crude map of what he thought the outlay of the system was. Humans didn't have much history underneath the Mountains, but it was common knowledge that the Draekiins dwelt there, along with many other terrible creatures and foes. There was also very distant mythology of Dragons once dwelling within the walls. Who knew whether that was still true or not? With their experience with the Giant King, however, they wouldn't say that anything was impossible.

Gregory was trying to catch some lizards for protein, or search for some other food, in case they were longer in the caverns than they planned. Sean and Chris were listening to Skylar and her plans, while Richard stood silently on the side of the wall near where John grumbled irritably.

Kim was staring at the fire with intent, avoiding the conversation and avoiding Chris' eye contact. Alice noticed this increasing tension and went over to her friend.

"Can we talk?" she asked softly.

"Sure, what's up?" Kim glanced up at her. Alice motioned for them to move away from the rest of the group, so Kim followed her to a remote location.

"I'm worried," Alice said when they came to a large column of limestone that was tucked away in the back of the room. "About you and Chris. This tension can't be good for morale." Kim scoffed. "And I'm worried about you. What happened at the dance that is making you act like this?"

"Nothing happened," Kim tossed a pebble at the ground.

"Kim, do you trust me?"

"Of course, I trust you."

"Then talk to me. Please, I want to help."

Kim sighed. "I don't know. He's just infuriating. Why does he get to boss us around?"

"You've never had a problem with his decisions before. What changed? Something must have happened."

"I don't know, I never had a problem with his decisions because what he said made sense. He's a good leader, a natural leader, but it's just infuriating. I don't need him."

"No one is saying that you do. But this is more than just him being the leader, isn't it?" Alice scanned her friend's face, "you care about him."

Kim threw a rock at the walls. "You know, I've been alone most of my life. I had to depend on myself to survive. I had to make my own decisions. I never needed anyone before. You changed that; you know. I needed your friendship just as much as you needed mine. You trusted me without question." She scoffed.

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