Chapter 11 FINALE

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You could hardly bring yourself to do anything in that moment. Your body felt sore from all the sobbing, and the heartache. The pain in your chest made it hurt to breath, your lungs stung and your stomach turned. Raven however, barley let you mourn. She pulled you into your room to clean and dress you. All while you shivered and shook with hooded eyes. She rushed to dress you for the rain outside.

Cars waited with and for you father and his Crew. Bell stood beside him carrying an umbrella over his head as he walked outside to yell a few orders and then back in to shout a few more. You felt warm hands grasp your own, calloused and rough. For that moment, your heart jump for joy. Assuming the owner to be none other. Only for it to cry when you found brown eyes. J looked back at you with a sad brow.

"Come on, its time to go." He said with a sorry tone. His gentle touch guided you to Reyes and Octavia as they placed flat palms on your back and gently walked you down the stairs. Sharing a moment of mourning as if they catered to a widow in a funeral procession. As you walked down the stairs to the lobby of the hotel, you heared and smelled the rain pouring down outside. A flash of lightening illuminated the streets of the city. Once you reached the ground floor, you looked out to the cars outside and to the figures in the them.

Your father stood outside, Bell standing by to hold an umbrella above the old man. You stood in the center of the open room, and turned. Taking in your very last sight of the hotel you called home for so long. You took details to heart like the pattern of thr carpet, and the warm color of the rich oak liking the staircase and walls.

"Lets go!" Your father's deep voice rang. You turned and saw his angry and wrinkled face. You stepped out into the rain, but was quickly rushed into the warmth and dry seating if a vehicle. You wished they'd just let you stand there in the rain. To feel the water hit you harshly, perhaps if you stood there long enough it would melt you. And you too would hit the cement of the New York side walk, washing over it and fly down to disappear into a nearby drain.

You sat in the middle seat between Octavia and Reyes. Each held a hand which sat on your hose covered knees. You stared out the front window at the dark street in front. You sat there for a moment until everyone was seated. Then M started to drive away with J in the passanger seat.

"Where are we going?" You pipped up after what felt like hours of silence. The only sound that filled your ears was the hum of the car and the rain that hit the roof. The city lights illuminated the surprisingly empty streets.

"We're headed to the harbor, a ship is waiting to take us across to Italy." M spoke matter of factly.

"Italy, exciting. Init, Y/N?" J made an attempt to make conversation with an awkward smile that flashed at you in the rearview mirror.

"Leave her alone J." Reyes told him.

"I'm just trying to-"

"Well you're not helping anything by being a pain in her ass, so shut your mouth!"

"Raven..." You corrected her with a soft reminder. She quieted instantly. The car went silent once again. That is, until you reached a round about. In the center, a fountain overflowing with water from the rain stood tall and proud in all it's stone glory. As the car that drove before you turned into the large round about, you notice another that drive in from the other side. You watched the car and suddenly a sick feeling in your stomach emerged. As you intered the center of the street, a loud pop rang out.

"Get down!" Octavia shouted, reaching over to pull your head down with hers as bullets flew through the windows. Your head pounded as you heard the shouting through the sound of guns and bullets. After a bit you lifted your head to witness the chaose. The cars had stopped dead in the round about, around the fountain. The car ahead of you, the car that help your father and a few of his men was stopped dead. The driver in the front, lied dead over the steering wheel. Bell kept your father hidden behind the car as they shot. The cars behind you, which held more and more men of yours were also used as sheilds as they fired back. Though they were unprepared and not armed properly. A few men lied dead in the street. "Go! Go! Go!" Octavia cried again.

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