*Chapter 3

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Weeks had gone by since you saw Murphy. Good thing too, that slime made you so uneasy. Lately, you had been managing smaller projects to keep yourself busy. Small deals, transactions. Not very, high-risk jobs. Poppa insisted you stay safe. He worried for your safety. If anything happened to his one and only daughter. Lord have mercy.

A new deal was cut. Something about territories, and other trades. Either way, Poppa made more money from it. Trade with another mob was always good. Poppa never lost when those things went bad. Especially not when he hired people like Murphy. There was cause for celebration.

"A party, a, gathering. If you will." Your father described to you, as he watched you from his seat. He sat at his desk, his reading glasses hanging to the end of his nose. You leaned against the window, arms crossed as you peered out. Lowering the shades to get a better view of the glossy sidewalk, as you watched the afternoon's rain to trickle down from the grey sky. Which hung like cloth above the city landscape.

"Really Poppa, if you're looking for an excuse to drink with your buddies." You joked, but he was having none of it. He scoffed and leaned back in the rich leather chair.

"Do me a favor, and just set the damn thing up."

"And who should I invite? Half of New York City?"

"All of our guys, and all of theirs! It's like inlaws, baby."

"All, of our guys? Even the new one?" Was Murphy even allowed to attend things like this at this point in his career?

"Everyone." You sighed and got to work. You had assistance, to say the least. A woman, about your age, who worked with you. Something like an assistant, only, more like a friend. And more likely to kill a man than your average assistant. Reyes was a life saver. Especially when it came to things like this. The girl was smart! Quick! And crafty. With her help, you had invitations for over four hundred people within the day!

Before you knew it, you were having your friend Octavia zip up your form-fitting gown. She sat at the vanity set up, powdering her nose as you slid the silk white gloves up your arms. You dressed in decadent fashion. Curling and pinning your hair, and finishing up with gifts of diamonds from your Poppa. Or perhaps a deceased suitor or two.

You arrived at the venue with your father, early. Just one of the many luxury hotels he owned. You watched as staff finished decorating the main ballroom with gold and white. Just in time to scold a staff member or two for doing something wrong. Stressing yourself out the more guests started to arrive. Everything had to be perfect. You had to be perfect. You had to be proper, poised, the perfect daughter. The perfect hostess. Finally, once the majority of guests were accounted for, and mingling. Ms. Blake pulled you aside.

"Y/N, darling, the night is perfect. Relax, I'm afraid you'll have an aneurysm if you're not careful." She handed you a drink to calm your nerves. Ever since her brother joined the mob, the two of you have been close. Raven leaned against the wall with the two of you, people watching. She helps a martini in her hand, and simply sipped at it. Turing down every random joe that asked for a dance. It was entertaining to watch the look of utter embarrassment and confusing when the men were turned down. Especially when it was one of the Twins.

It was a game they had been playing for years. Who could crack Reyes first? Whoever got a dance first, was the winner. So far, Raven was winning. Octavia on the other hand, couldn't turn down a dance. Either couldn't or wouldn't. She was something of a flirt. Raven and you would bet on how long each Boe of hers would last.

After dance, after dance to the lovely sound of live Jazz, and a few too many drinks. You needed a breather. You wondered up to the stairs in your heels and leaned against the balcony of the third floor. Looking down at the party below. You stood alone, gazing over your work as people laughed. You felt at peace for a moment, before you heard the shuffling of feet behind you against the carpet floor.

"My my, you throw quite the party, don't you?" The familiar voice cooed. Your heart jumped in your chest, and would not settle down. You didn't look up, you let him shuffle around, and lean against the board next to you, facing you. "Now why is it, you dress up so sharply for this gathering, but for my induction, you looked like a drowned rat?"

"Watch yourself, Murphy. Or I'll drown you like a rat." You warned. He chuckled.

"Forgive me, doll. You look ravishing. As usual."

"I'm in no mood for this kind of talk." You glared at him, while his smirk only spread.

"Well, that's perfectly alright." He slid closer, so his cost covered shoulder pressed against yours. "I'm not much for talking." He let his fingers glide down your bare shoulder, and then up to your collarbone.

"I'm not playing this game, John." You hissed.

"What game? I assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about." His eyes bore into yours. Every inch of you wanted to touch him. To kiss him as he had you in the hallway. But your consciousness cried for you to run. To get away from him. This was bad. He was bad. He slid a hand behind your neck, and before you could say another word, he pulled you. Planting another passionate kiss on your lips. Letting it sink into your very soul. His other hand held your waist close to him. Caressing every curve he could. Once he had your attention, she pulled his lips away. Keeping his forehead pressed against yours. "This game sounds fun, wouldn't you agree?" He purred. You inched away, aware that if anyone looked up from downstairs. They'd surely see you.

He caught your arm and held you to him, kissing you. Making you melt in his arms as his hands roamed your body. Keeping your close to him as your hands ran down his suit covered body. You wanted him more than anything else in the world at this point. Your heart, your body begged for it. You played with the bulge in his pants, making him moan into your neck as he nipped at the sensitive skin.

"Murphy." You gave a breathy sigh of pleasure.

"That's it." He grunted, taking you bit the hips, and pressing you against the board of the balcony. Giving you the perfect view of the guests. He hands toyed with your clothes ass before pulling up your dress.

"Murphy, wait. Not here, they could see-!" Murphy's tongue caught you off. He had slid down your panties. Knelt down, and began licking at you. Enjoying himself as you moaned in pleasure while he played with your pussy. Licking, and rubbing. Working you. Your cheeks went bright red, the excitement rushing through you. At any moment you could have been caught. Somehow, that only turned you on more. The fact that Murphy revealed in the idea helped immensely. He chuckled happily when he made you cum in his hands.

"Good girl." He cooed, standing behind you. He leaned forward, biting your ear as he pulled out his pulsating erection. You felt his skin on yours, making you shiver. He made you look down on everyone, as you felt him slowly enter. He savored the feeling of filling you. Until he reached out and held onto the board. Using that as a balancing point. He fucked you into it. Watching the guests with you as he struggled not to grunt and grown. You feared a loud sound would draw attention. But it felt so good, you couldn't but make soft squeaks and gasps as his hips slapped against your ass. Eventually, he had to hold a hand over your mouth. Pulling your head up, so it rested on his shoulder. "Hush doll. You'll get us in trouble." He whispered in your ear. Sending you over the edge. You came around him, making him stifle a grunt of pleasure as you twitched around him. It wasn't long until he came with you, on your second orgasm.

The two of you panting messes fixed yourselves up. He noted your hair was off, he repinned it. You noticed his tie was off, you adjusted it. You went to leave to go back downstairs. But he caught you in another kiss. A shy kiss. It was unsettling, to say the least. The notorious hitman, who previously fucked you above your peers, was shy. You almost tripped on your way back down the stairs. Your legs felt like jelly. It was a little difficult to rejoin the party. But miraculously, you managed. That was, until:

"Y/N, darling, wait a minute. You're missing an earring."

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