Chapter 6

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As Camille and Noah sat next to each other in the doctors waiting room, he could feel how uncomfortable she was so he stretched his hand over to hers and gave it a squeeze, she gave him a faint smile and then heard her name called out, it was time

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As Camille and Noah sat next to each other in the doctors waiting room, he could feel how uncomfortable she was so he stretched his hand over to hers and gave it a squeeze, she gave him a faint smile and then heard her name called out, it was time.

"Cam, do you want me to come with you?" Noah said as she stood up, she quickly nodded so he got up to follow her.

"So Miss Halstead, what brings you in today?" The kind doctor asked she was a female so the room felt comfortable. At least as comfortable as it could get, now it was time, time to face facts.

"Uh, " Camille took a deep breath and a reassuring squeeze from her brother, "I have been feeling off the last week or so, so I took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive. I can't really remember when my last period was because it has been a really stressful couple weeks if not months and I guess it's all caught up with me."

"Okay, no worries. Look we will draw some blood and go from there." The doctor nodded to her as she got up to get what she needed.

Once the doctor took a blood sample she made Camille and Noah wait in the waiting room so they could run the tests.

"Noah, I don't think I can do this." Camille said, going to stand up but she was stopped by the doctor who called them back in.

"Come on, I got your back." Noah said, guiding her into the room.

Once again she sat down, he stomach turning. This was it. She took a couple of deep breaths and waited for the doctor to tell her, her fate.

"So Miss Halstead, your blood work doesn't show any sign of high levels of hCG. Which means you are not pregnant. It is very rare that a home test can be faulty but it is still possible. Now the reason why you probably have missed your period is because of the stress you said you were going through, so I'm going to prescribe you something for that."

The rest of what the doctor said was a blur, she didn't care, all she cared about was that she didn't have to make a big decision about something that could impact the rest of her life. Now she can finally take a step in the right direction.

Once they got into her car, Noah was in the driver's seat, she sat down and burst into to tears, Noah was shocked. He thought she is thankful.

"Hey, it's okay. Isn't this what you wanted?" he said pulling her close.

"These are happy tears I guess, I guess I'm just so thankful. I can finally take the next step, nursing school. I'm just glad I didn't stuff up. Thankful for being there, I have missed you." Camille said giving her brother a hug as she wiped away her tears.



Camille asked Noah to drop her off at the 21st district, she needed to speak with her dad, clear the air. She needed them to be okay.

She walked up the steps, she hadn't been here for a very long time but it always felt like home, the people the filled the hallways and the rooms were her family since she was little.

Although there was one thing missing, Sargeant Trudy Platt, she had retired and was travelling with Mouch, no more ball busting at the front desk. She chuckled to herself and asked the stand in Sargeant to buzz her up to the bullpen, he was confused at first but when she explained who she was he didn't hesitate.

She walked up the steps and was greeted quickly by Kevin and Hailey, "Hey guys, is dad around?"

"Yeah, they are just in with a suspect, go take a seat in the break room. Help yourself to a drink." Kevin said as he pointed over to the break room.

Camille went and took a seat, she waited for about 10 minutes when her parents came rushing in, "Cammy, is everything okay?" Erin said, extremely worried while Jay knelt down next to Camille.

"Woah calm down protective parents, I'm okay." Camille chuckled, she knew she probably should have called first but she didn't even think.

"Well what are you doing here then? You didn't call?" Jay said checking his phone.

"I actually wanted to speak to you dad." Camille said looking up at him.

Jay was shocked but grateful, "Oh right, did you want to go for a walk then?"

"Yeah id like that." She said smiling as she said goodbye to her mum and they walked out together.

They had been walking for a few blocks until Camille spoke, "Dad, I'm sorry. For how I have been acting these last couple years, but I swear I'm turning things around."

Jay grabbed her arm and stopped her, he pulled her towards a bench seat, "Camille, I'm the one that should be sorry. I'm meant to support you and be there for you and I wasn't, not in the way I should have been anyway. It's just, your such a bright young woman who has her whole life in front of her I only want what's best for you."

" I know, I'm sorry I kept letting you down." Camille said sadly as her head dropped.

"Hey come here, " Jay said pulling her into his side, "You haven't let me down, it's all going to be okay."

"Yeah I know, you wouldn't have it any other way." Camille smiled, she knew they were going to be okay now, time to start getting her life on track.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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