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Chapter 10:Confused

(Fast forward to 5 days later!)
     Since Sid had come Sara distanced herself from Kartik,she tried her best to stop his thoughts from entering her mind.Whereas Sid had no clue about a shit between Sara and kartik and that was because he trusted her.As Sid joined them late he couldn't find a room in the same hotel,so he stayed at the nearest hotel.As he was shooting for a film he didn't share a room with Sara,tryin to keep it professional.Kartik was tempted to be near his Sara,he wanted to talk to her,he wanted to hold her ,his thoughts were disturbed when Alaya entered his room and asked him out for a drink,he pretty much needed one ,so he agreed to her.He suggested Alaya to invite Sara too,Alaya shot him a look and told him we will invite Sara someother time, he was forced to agree with her

(Kartiks pov)
   I was thinking about Sara and thats when Alaya walked into my room,without my permission ,i tried not to get concerned by it,later she asked me to go out for a drink,I agreed  but when i asked her to call Sara too,her face changed colours and she shot me a look,i got it she didnt want Sara around and that kind of hurt me ,but also i needed a drink so i tagged along

Alaya started getting touchy with Kartik,she held his hand while leaving the room Kartik tried to loosen her grip but she didnt step down.As they were passing Saras room,her door opened as she was about to go out for a walk.Kartik wasnt doing something inappropriate but he felt guilty for making Sara see him and Alaya hold hands.Sara understood something was cooking there and her presence was the last thing needed there.So she smiled at them and walked away.
Alaya dragged Kartik to the bar.Kartik was mentally yet with Sara but little did Alaya know she stood no chance.Sara plugged in her earphones and started walking.

(Sara Pov)

I m becoming fat,i think i should go for a walk,it will help me get rid of the thoughts i have been having lately and also help me get fit.But seeing Kartik and Alaya holding hands was bugging me.I wanted to distract myself,so I called Sid over for a walk.In some minutes Sid arrived in a Taxi,he was looking handsome as always,but this time i felt  a tingle in my stomach looking at him.I don't know what caused it,maybe i was too jealous seeing Kartik with some one else.(shes havin an emotional conflict,in her head)

(Sid pov)
    Saras eyes lit up when she saw me and my eyes melted seeing her soo happy,i could finally spend some time with my Sara,in peace.We haven't really spoken much in the past few days,she seemed a bit distant back then but today she looked so happy seeing me.I got off the taxi  and ran towards her.She was all sweaty from running but that didnt stop me from hugging her.She tried to squirm away but i gripped on her tightly making her laugh

Sid and Sara were spending a wonderful time with eachother,but the time didnt remain that good when Sara accidentally called Sid -Kartik,cause she was subconsciously thinking about him.Sids face frowned a bit,Sara told him that lately shes been seeing Kartik around alot so she slipped out his name galti se.Sid was convinced with her explanation.He smiled at her and told her "Its okay Sara dont panic,its not like youre cheating on me,you just  misframed your sentence😂😂"On hearing that Sara got goosebumps,she told Sid that she was tired and she wanted to have a nap.Sid nodded to her and dropped her  off at her room and left.Sara kept thinking about what Sid said,she isn't cheating on him,then why did she relate to those words soo much.She sat on her bed all worried 😞.She kept thinking about Kartik.Her mind battled all the thoughts
And thats when she heard a knock on her door.She walks towards the door;

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