The Mess That Is Life

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At first, when I visualized this story, it was very, very full of angst. Then I decided to bring in an element of humor. But, there is a touch of angst in this chapter. This will vary across chapters. 

***Akira's POV***

"... we will arrive at Tokyo International Airport shortly. Please... "

My eyes jerked open when the plane lurched.

~Wake up, sleepyhead...~

"I am already awake," I answered irritatedly under my breath.

Ooh... don't worry. It's just a little lurching. Don't feel afraid. I'm here for you.

I had a sudden urge to throw the bey in my pocket across the plane and tell it to shut up. But such strange behavior would attract unwanted attention and I might get questioned about why I was talking to an 'inanimate' object.

Right, that might pose a problem for you. The voice chuckled. Wouldn't want people to think that you're crazy. By the way, this 'inanimate' bey is not an 'it', this bey's a 'she'.

I sighed,"Could you stop talking?"

Do not make futile requests, child.

There. I resigned myself to my bey's 'holier than thou' mood she was in and the pounding headache that came with it. I only hoped that the hotel would have good coffee and a library nearby.

Someone's daydreaming... reality check! You have to report to Mr. Dickenson immediately after arriving at the airport.

Right. I leaned back in defeat. Today was gonna be a long, long day.

I know, right? My partner sympathized.

My beyblade is called Artemis, after the Greek goddess of archery and the forest. To tell the truth, my Bitbeast is Artemis herself, but she hates being called a Bitbeast. In her opinion, calling the ruler of all Bitspirits a Bitbeast would be... wrong. I disagree.

I quietly listened to her chatter and found myself drifting off. Scenes from my life played before my eyes - good ones, bad ones. It felt as if I was sinking into a bottomless pit, weighted with those memories.

...get out of there, YOU BAKA!

[A/N: Baka means 'fool' in Japanese.]

Who? The voice felt so far away...


I jerked awake for the second time, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

Walking down memory lane, are we now? Her voice was terse.

"Maybe." I shook away the foggy remnants and stared straight ahead. I felt my partner tense up. She was worried about me - about what some memories did to me.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

"What are you talking about? "

Coming back to Japan. Her voice was quiet.

"Well... "

What if you bump into him?

"Japan's a fairly big country. Also, if we do, I doubt that he will remember."

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