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***Time's POV***

"Let it RIP! "

The silent forest seemed to echo with the sound of beyblades clashing with each other. The metallic sounds were soon hard to hear over the loud voices of the bladers feverishly urging their beyblades to give their best. As the attacks became more and more aggressive, snow began to get stirred up and a sudden blizzard interrupted the heated beybattle.

"Darn it! " The male voice sounded frustrated, "Why the hell did all of this snow had to be flying about NOW? I was sooo close to winning! "

"Ride the Tide! " The other voice coolly commanded her bey with the hint of a smirk. 

The owner of the voice was slender and quite tall for her age

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The owner of the voice was slender and quite tall for her age. She was wearing a white coat and muffler, black leggings and black running shoes which now looked almost white, thanks to the snow sprayed on them. Her hair, reaching down to her shoulders, looked slightly untamed and was loosely held back by two black clips. A few white strands of white hair escaped the clips and fell lightly over her eyes.

"Eh? " Kai looked confused. Ride the Tide? Was that a new move? It sounded so lame...

Ayuri's crimson eyes twinkled with mischief as her beyblade vanished out of sight. Kai started looking around frantically, "Where did it go? "

"Well, you see Kai, " Crimson eyes met amethyst ones, " 'Ride the Tide' is not some new move. In reality, it is an English phrase meaning 'taking chances and making the most out of any situation'. " Kai's eyes widened in realization, "You mean..."

"Yes." She was not even the least bothered by the blizzard and was actually using it as a shield to defend herself against Kai's attacks. But, there was a catch. Kai's usual smirk returned, "However, Ayuri, the blizzard doesn't let you see your own bey, whereas my bey is right in front of me-which means that you can't even attack me, " He made a tsking sound, "What an amateur mistake! The blizzard will slow down your bey and it will finally stop. " Ayuri smiled at him, making him start.

"What makes you think that I need to see my beyblade in order to attack yours? "

She crossed her arms and closed her eyes. Kai's face fell. "Wh-what do you m-mean?" He stuttered.

"Watch me. "

"You are bluffing! "

"Am I? "

"No... no one can attack without seeing where their bey is! It's... it's impossible. "

"Nothing's impossible. " On hearing her reply, Kai looked at her and saw her standing still, eyes closed and head tilted to one side. CLANG! He heard something metal hit his bey. Turning towards his bey, he just couldn't believe his eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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