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The emptiness diffused everytime I closed my eyes. The silence embraced every piece of me and urged to take focus. I have been exhaling and inhaling calmly that seemed to be inefficient.

The consecutive attempt that failed, made myself to elude from meditation. I scratched my hair while piercing through the glass prism infront.

I couldn't see the past like I had done this before. I checked the chip on my temple that was connected to the glass prism where my vision would reflect in it and I found no defect. Are my abilities deteriorating? I shook my head for the last time. There's something halting me from seeing it.

Their burning grudges has something to do with it that I missed to know.

"The army is ready as well as our weapons for the war." Khin interrupted.

Even if it was against my will, Khin still pushed the events I ignored. The Dark Domes and their army wanted to face and dethrone me. Khin, as a competent man, he took the offer for an another chaos with a the outlook that we could defeat them. He was confident enough. We had the weapons and right army to start it. The technologies inside the Glass Organization could win even the next world war.

Khin was a jerk outside the workplace and he's a monster when he needed to be.

"Are you sure of this?" I asked as a result of the doubts on my mind. "I am not yet giving you an order."

"I am your one and only general and if you cannot make your mind, I will do it for you. Didn't we have an agreement about this?"

"I already make up my mind." I stood up and turned at him. "I am not fighting."

His shoulders dropped but it was quick enough when he regained his posture. "I am fighting, Greatel and we don't have to share the same decisions all the time." He turned his back and headed to the terrace of the organization where he could see the cities of Dome.

I was left, taken a back on his answer. I did not know that he has hidden agendas beneath his messy looks. All this time, I thought he was always with my side like he promised. Yet, his actions were contradicting.

I would try to unravel the true colors he was trying to coat and let his intentions lure out.

"Okay, fine." I placed my hands on the pockets of my coat. "Tell me, what's your decision?"

"Your mind must be quick enough to alter decisions. A quality that a leader must not possess," he scoffed.

I pursed my lips. Being a leader was not my intention anymore. I needed to play well to see who was the real enemy on my abode.

"But a good leader must also listen to her colleagues. So, what are you thinking?"

He held tightly on the balcony. "Explosions, bombs. That's how we could trap them."

"A lot—"

"Yes, a lot of traitors would die." His voice was gnashing with his desires.

He must be out of his mind and negative ideas have enveloped in it. He would be killing Gromes, a thing that I couldn't stain in my own hands.

"Let me win the Gromes. Give me a few minutes to talk with them." I lied. The minutes I was asking for was to bring their sides on me and to prevent Khin from exploding the city.

"15 minutes." He lifted his hands. "In 15 minutes, the bombs would explode and in that little time, you are to win loyal colleagues."

I bit my lower lip after I heard how decisive he was. I only have 15 minutes to save Dome.

"And by the way, never removed the chip that had plastered on your temple." He warned.

"Why?" My brows furrowed. Is there something in the chip I missed to know?

"I couldn't track you if you'll remove it. You might be pressed between the war."

Was it the real reason, Khin? A thought I kept on my mind.

I wished what I doubted was wrong. All through these years, I hope I had nested on the right people where I showered myself to grow.


The clouds of gloom gathered within the both parties. The weather has understand what might happened. I was standing on the giant rock as the choppers were behind me. Not far from the horizon, I saw them in their well-built weapons and tank. Cyborgs were also evident on the other corner. Khin was right. They're almost half of the citizens.

I raised my hand, to hold both fires. The fear in their eyes turned into disgust.

"I am here to offer peace." I started.

Jacob illuminated from the other camp. His jaws clenched while staring at me in a distance.

"I want you to listen! Set aside your hate and issues towards me."

I eyed at him, full with sincerity. "I wanted peace." My heart was pounding fast as the explosive machines growled behind me. Khin might figure out what I wanted because everytime I talked to people, pleading was not my cup of tea.

"You must pay for everything," he snarled.

I have been evil and I knew it, I couldn't stop it.

"I am willing to surrender everything!" I looked at the remaining time and I only had 7 more minutes to go.

"Jacob, don't start it please. These explosives would destroy us. I am willing to pay for my sins. Not this way." A duel between them was like defeating myself too.

"Liar! You..." His hands were trembling while pointing at me. " cannot replace the masterpiece you have killed!"
Confusion etched on my face. The masterpiece being killed? But I was never defeated!

"I am alive, Jacob!" I exclaimed.  

"An impostor it is."

They shared the same impression with Harry. What made them think I am fraud? The events and how I could connect everything was misleading. It's confusing me again!
"You started a war and we must end it like how you started it."

My plead halted when my nerves ached. It was like awakening the something I suppressed for the long time. I curled my knees to defy it as the bombs exploded and collapsed different infrastructures. In a quick glitch, I transformed to an unstoppable being.

All I saw was red and green lights. The deafeaning sound irritated my whole system that made me sha  ke the ground. Bullets rained the whole premises as my system identified the other camp in the hues of red.

It was unexplainable why in a sudden I came attacking them, defeating the cyborgs against us. I felt the prowess in me but it was not the actions I wanted. I came slashing and thrusting metals through metals.

I shouted in a huge intensity. I don't want to fight but my body urged me to. I was in the middle of disaster when an another deafeaning sound rolled from the skies and planted fire around the  zone.

My senses arouse when I smelled the acrid in the air. I lifted my hands and added the combustion. Everything was being swollen into blazes. The chaos I had done satisfied me instead of being sorry. What kind of spirit had possessed me?

"You must pay for killing my sister!"

The shout of a cold piece metal that pierced my shoulder blades came simultaneously. My lips curved that at last, my wrath had stopped, I won't be able to destroy lives again.

I wasn't able to recognize  the opponent but his soothing deep baritone voice kept a memory, the guy I missed and regretted a lot.

My head lifted as my eyes welled up. "I—I cannot control..."

His sight met mine that confirmed my assumptions. "C—Christopher..." I weakly smiled, for the last time... is enough to see my brother.

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