The party and goodbyes

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Vanessa's P.O.V

After school finished , Vanessa and Kylie went to Vanessa's house to get ready for the party and Kylie was going to sleepover after the party was done. Btw even though today was the last day of school for Vanessa it wasn't her last day in Los Angles. Vanessa and Kylie made it home at 2:08. They had 5 hours until the party. They both changed clothes. Vanessa changed into her polo sweatpants and a Jordan shirt, and Kylie changed into her Adidas sweats and a bright red shirt. They started with the streamers and starting stapling and taping it to the walls and ceilings.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time to introduce Vanessa's family...... Vanessa's dad's name: josh Davis , Vanessa's mom name: Jessica Davis , Vanessa little sister: Rosie Davis.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it was 7:35 when Vanessa and Kylie noticed the time and started dressing up. By 8:05 the first guest arrived and of course u can guess who it was ... Micheal. Vanessa kissed him and then when everyone soon arrived the party got live. She was so rich there was people in the pool , people in the movie room, the game room and outside. Everything was fine until someone arrived.

Can you guess who arrived????❓❓❓

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