Bad ...or good...

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Michael POV
"We're in the hospital me and her family. I'm scared what if she doesn't wake up " wondering Michael in his head. " hello she is in a rare condition I don't think she can make it nor the other girl " said the nurse " I don't give a fuck bout that other girl I just care bout my sis" says Rosie "Rosie be nice u can curse but not at that nurse, I know your mad bc ur sis is in the hospital and in a bad condition but u still have to apologize to that poor girl. You shot her and that's not nice u can go to jail"said her dad " I'll go check on her to see if she's ok" ........

Pls read I'll update about almost every week. And also who's that poor girl the dad was talking about. Read back if you don't know. Pls give me ideas because I don't know what to do next. Should she be dead or nah. Comment below or text.

Thanks for all my readers I got 89 readers!!! Thx guys and I love y'all and I know this chapter is short but I don't like writing a lot. with it.

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